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Don’t Vote for One, Vote for Four on April 10, Starting with O’Leary


We have an important election in a few weeks, on Tuesday, April 10. There are serious, complex financial issues that the new City Council will have to face and find solutions for, while trying to protect the quality of life and level of services that we have come to appreciate in Culver City.

Review the candidates’ information, biographies and position statements. Vote for the candidates you believe are best-equipped to deal with these tough financial problems.

Voting for only one candidate when there are four seats to fill is not an option. While this may provide a miniscule boost for your candidate, it does not help elect four qualified candidates. Further, it is insulting to the other candidates and their volunteers who have worked diligently on the campaign.

For me, the most qualified candidate is Mayor Mehaul O’Leary. He is a proven leader and innovator. A businessman first, he understands what it takes to run an organization, meet a payroll, balance a budget and how to maintain services on a tight budget. He thinks out of the box to find innovative solutions to the tough problems. He is not running on a platform of any special interests – just the interests of Culver City.

I encourage you to cast one of your four votes for Mr. O’Leary.

Ms. Deen, describing herself as a “lifelong Culver City resident and lifelong Culver City activist,” may be contacted at sdeencpa@pacbell.net