Home OP-ED The Disputed Weinrauch Email and the Malsin Camp Response

The Disputed Weinrauch Email and the Malsin Camp Response


[Editor’s Note: At last night’s City Council meeting, Ms. Stuart, campaign manager for Council candidate Scott Malsin, fired back at Deborah Weinrauch, director of Friends of Culver City Animals, for sending out what Ms. Stuart said was false information about Mr. Malsin in a widely disseminated email last Thursday evening. First, Ms. Stuart’s comments followed by Ms. Weinrauch’s email.]

Normally I wouldn’t come to Council to correct the record, but I feel I must tonight.

On March 8, an inflammatory, and patently untrue, email was sent out by Deborah Weinrauch in her capacity as the director of the Friends of Culver City Animals. I want to publicly clarify the record on Scott Malsin's position on the Animal Control Officer (program).

The email accused Scott Malsin of being opposed to an Animal Service Officer. It then went on to encourage residents to support Animal Services by taking the lawn signs for three of the other candidates.

When we received a copy of her email, I immediately responded as follows:

“There appears to be a bit of confusion as to Scott's position. I am not sure of the source of the confusion, but if it originated from us, please accept our apology.

“Allow me to make Scott's position as clear as I possibly can.

“Scott has been very impressed by the pilot program for the animal control officer. As he has stated publicly, it is doing even better than he expected.

“Although the city's financial situation is very challenging, Scott does not foresee a situation where the Council would have to cut this position. As a Councilman and candidate, he has been focused on containing costs and increasing revenue to support all the services important to the Culver City community.

“I would appreciate you forwarding this email to your members and friends so there can be no question that Scott is 100 percent in favor of the Animal Control Officer.

“Thank you in advance for your prompt attention and response.”

Scott affirmed his support for this program in answer to a questionnaire Ms. Weinrauch sent to all candidates. He has reiterated his position in all public forums.

At the most recent candidate forum at the Mosque, Ms. Weinrauch asked her question specifically in the form of asking for a promise.

Again, Scott reiterated his 100 percent support for the program. However, he explained that he takes words very seriously and doesn't make promises lightly. Since Culver City’s financial position is so dire that we could be in municipal bankruptcy in three or four years, Scott feels that anyone making promises of this nature is pandering to the voters.

During the course of Scott’s service to Culver City he has consistently answered such questions in this way.

Ms. Weinrauch knows that. It seems quite clear she was counting on Scott answering in accordance with his sense of integrity. She knew she would be able to twist his words.

As of today, Ms. Weinrach has not sent out a clarifying email despite our polite and respectful request. Considering her political alliances, I'm not surprised. This is not about the animals.

Ms. Weinrach's email was sent out to advance a political agenda. Her statement about Scott was not the truth.

Even tonight she told me, “We have to do what we have to do.” A clear statement, this was political and not for the animals, a clear refusal to correct the record.

So, I come here tonight when there are animal supporters in the chambers to set the record straight. Let there be no doubt that Scott is pleased with, proud of, and supportive of our Animal Control program.

Ms. Stuart may be contacted at lstuart@aogllp.com

Headline: The Weinrauch Email

From: Deborah Weinrauch

Sent: Thursday, March 08,2012 6:09 PM

To: Deborah Weinrauch

Subject: IMPORTANT!!!! Monday, March 12, 2012 – 7:00 P.M. – City Hall – BIG City Council Commendation for ANIMAL SERVICES OFFICER COROLLA FLEEGER and the CULVER CITYANIMAL SERVICES PROGRAM

Dear Friends:

Next Monday, our beloved Animal Services Officer Corolla Fleeger and the Culver City Animal Services Program will receive an official commendation by the City Council of Culver City. (It is P-2 on the Agenda; www.culvercity.org)

The event will be short and we really ,really, really want you to join us at City Hall at 7:00 p.m.!!!

This will be our chance to show our support for Officer Fleeger AND thank Mayor Mehaul O’Leary, the other current and former council members, Police Chief Don Pederson, Sgt. Hattrup and the CCPD who have worked together to establish from scratch the hugely successful Culver City Animal Services Program. Between the hard work of Officer Fleeger and utilizing the excellent spcaLA shelter in Hawthorne, countless residents, pets and wildlife have benefited from the Animal Services Program on a daily basis.

WHEN: 7:00 P.M. – Monday, March 12,2012

WHERE: City Hall Council Chambers, 9770 Culver Boulevard, Culver City 90232 (corner of Culver Blvd. and Duquesne)

If you need a ride or have questions,please contact us! (Info below)


City Council Elections will be held on Tuesday, April 10, 2012. In order to keep our Animal Services Program, it is very important that you vote either on Tuesday, April 10th or ahead of time via Absentee Ballot.

There are six candidates running for 4 seats.

Of the 6 candidates, Mayor Mehaul O’Leary, Meghan Sahli-Wells, Jim Clarke, Andrew Weissman and Stephen Murray have stated in each of the public forums and in their written questionnaires that they will vote to turn the position of Animal Services Officer into a permanent position AND they will vote to continue to contract with the humane spcaLA for our sheltering needs.

Sadly, candidate Scott Malsin has flip-flopped and made it clear that if elected, he will NOT support our Animal Services Officer.


If you want a lawn or window sign specifically for Mehaul O’Leary and/or Jim Clarke and/or Meghan Sahli-Wells, please let us know. For other candidates, please contact their campaign managers.

SEE YOU NEXT MONDAY AT CITY HALL! And get ready to cheer!!!

Best wishes,

DeborahWeinrauch, Director
ShirleyGordon, Assistant Director
Kim King,Assistant Director
Friends of Culver City Animals
P.O.B. 2312
Culver City, CA 90231-2312
(888)893-9909 – toll-free voicemail/fax