Home Letters Silbiger and the Proper Title Role of an Elected Official

Silbiger and the Proper Title Role of an Elected Official


Re “An Offer from President Silbiger

I just finished reading School Board President Karlo Silbiger’s article where he “offered/volunteered” to be a mediator in the dispute among the School District, Debbie Hamme’s union, the Assn.of Classified Employees, and the parents.

I am appalled that he does not understand his role as a member of the Board.

Mr. Silbiger was elected to the School Board in a management position, as all trustees, to represent the voice of the people of Culver City—not any union or other special interest group.

The School Board is organized so that the Board has only one direct employee, the Superintendent. All management action flows exclusively through her.

Mr. Silbiger has deviated from this management position by acting as a spokesman for the union. This is clearly improper.

Mr. Silbiger has also been publicly rebuked for having a secret meeting with someone who is considering taking legal action against the School District. This is highly inappropriate. Now he offers to subvert the School Board and the Superintendent by offering to be a mediator.

No one can ever represent the people of Culver City in a management position, act as a biased spokesman for a union, undermine the School Board, and, as an independent negotiator, undercut the Superintendent simultaneously. It simply does not and cannot work. Just the act of volunteering to be a mediator means that Mr. Silbiger cannot intellectualize what it means to be an elected member of the Board.

If he doesn’t get it, he should be gone. Quickly.

Mr. Ehrlich may be contacted at PMSHA@aol.com