Home OP-ED An Offer from President Silbiger

An Offer from President Silbiger


[Editor’s Note: The School Board President, as the person at the vortex of the controversy between parents of El Marino Language School and the Assn. of Classified Employees, this morning issued his response to last night’s stormy four-hour Board meeting.]

I would re-affirm what Leslie Lockhart (Human Resources director for the School District) and I said last night.

Leslie said that we have been asked by our employees to meet with them and discuss their concerns.

We don't yet know what those concerns are.

But we will find out once we hold that meeting. At that point, after consulting with staff and with our attorneys, it may be appropriate for the Board to consider a district-wide policy and/or any other measures to attempt to resolve this issue.

I also mentioned the need for us to try to work collectively. Our District is too small and the issues in front of us too important to be fighting parents against staff members.

I am confident that if we all sit down at a table to focus on what is legally-permissible and best for students, we can find enough overlap to address this issue civilly.

I have training in holding interest-based discussions, and I have volunteered to help.

I hope that both parties will take me up on that offer.

Mr. Silbiger may be contacted at ksilbiger@juno.com