Home News Looks as if There Will Be 4 Summer Concerts, with a New...

Looks as if There Will Be 4 Summer Concerts, with a New Name


The former Summer Music Festival, to be known now as the Culver City Boulevard Music Festival, appears to have been saved.

Between found money and creative minds, the Thursday night performances in the Courtyard of City Hall will be staged – despite the loss of the Redevelopment Agency and its sizable purse that has underwritten the past 16 festivals.

At Monday night’s 7 o’clock meeting in Council Chambers, the City Council is expected to approve a wordy legal document called a memorandum of understanding.

It says that impresario Gary Mandell, in charge for the past 11 years, will produce at least four Thursday night extravaganzas on consecutive weeks.

It sounds like and it will be intended to look as all of its predecessors did – just that there will be fewer than before.

“I had said that I could do two to four concerts, and possibly more,” Mr. Mandell told the newspaper this afternoon.

“I don’t have a crystal ball. I don’t know how much money I am going to raise for the sponsorships, or how many seats we can sell.

“It is all speculation. I would like to think we can do something.”

Mr. Mandell wanted “Boulevard Music” included in the title because that is the name of his Sepulveda Boulevard business.

Mr. Mandell said the concerts will be on consecutive weeks. “If you put a week in between, you lose momentum,” he said.

The starting date is to be determined.