Home Letters What Was He Thinking?

What Was He Thinking?


Re “Silbiger Responds to Angry Parents

Karlo Silbiger can be thankful that the Culver City Unified School District doesn’t draw the attention of Jay Leno or David Letterman. Otherwise, he might find himself fodder for jokes on a national level.

Instead, Mr. Silbiger’s gaffes are mentioned only in the local news outlets, in emails, and at meetings.

Mr. Silbiger’s latest misstep does not involve ill-advised meetings with people suing the School District or alleged mismanagement as School Board President. Those are well documented. , If you missed them, don’t worry. Mistakes are likely to be repeated.

This time, Mr. Silbiger overstepped his authority (again) and may have violated the Brown Act (again). When faced with numerous stakeholders asking him to do something about the classified union’s attempts to stifle parent-funded volunteers, a union that he is very closely affiliated with and supported by, Mr. Silbiger responded as if he alone comprised the entire School Board.

“The School Board is in the early stages of considering this issue to make sure that we comply with all state and federal statutes and our collective bargaining agreement with our employees.”

Now, that’s interesting. I have reviewed every agenda since the sad day Mr. Silbiger was elected to the School Board. I have not seen anything on any of those agendas regarding parent-funded volunteers. The School Board cannot discuss something not on the agenda, unless of course it is in violation of the Brown Act.

How, then, could the School Board be in the early stages of considering an issue that has never come before that body? Is Mr. Silbiger discussing what was said behind closed doors? Or is he speaking as if he, alone, is the School Board? Either way, it’s wrong, and Mr. Silbiger, yet again, is wrong.

Poor Leno and Letterman. They could definitely use the material Mr. Silbiger offers every time he opens his mouth. Worse yet, poor Culver City. We are stuck with Mr. Silbiger for two more very long years.

Mr. Williams may be contacted at thepatwilliams@mail.com