Home OP-ED Barrel-chested Bullies Are Back –All ‘Planned’ and Planted, You Know

Barrel-chested Bullies Are Back –All ‘Planned’ and Planted, You Know


It took the bulgy, angry, sex-deprived screamers from Planned Abortionhood three days to regain their wind after pulling off last week’s terrifically successful public relations scam against the genteel ladies of the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation.

Before the hefty manhaters rebounded this morning with a grinning viciousness that startled mid-sized animals, they smilingly surveyed the massive symbolic wreckage they wreaked throughout last week on the scarred, previously spotless image of Komen.

One of the nasty, embarrassing, seldom disclosed facts about the Planned porkers is that they collect more than $1 billion in handouts from government and other abortion dupes every year to underwrite abortions, the only real reason for their existence.

The Komen Foundation’s withdrawal of its six-figure grant, was used by Planned as a pretext to launch a public relations war it orchestrated down to hiccups. With the fully controlled left-wing media on its side, that was like throwing a pencil over the Great Wall of China. Not quite a blip.

Last weekend, the porkers retired to their Braille Institute bordellos while their media minions brutally blistered Komen as the monster of the decade for daring to stop funding the extreme left abortion mill.

We Ain’t Through Yet

Not contented with having publicly lied and bullied Komen into submission at the weekend, the still-seething liberal girls at the Los Angeles Titanic took another whack at the pinada this morning trying to choke the life out of a women they despise.

In a massive, erratic 29-paragraph assault on the integrity of the Komen Foundation, left-wing girl reporters Shari (I Am Darned Mad) Roan and Eryn (Me, Too, Darn It) Brown, hatchets in hand, sought to finish off the hoped-for delegitimazation of Komen.

Using as a springboard the forced resignation of the left’s strategically chosen villain in this scripted war, Komen Vice President Karen Handel, the girls rounded up a bevy of left-wing abortion advocates to lambaste Ms. Handal and Komen. By golly, they could not unearth one defender of Komen. I’ll be darned. On orders, they kept referring to a public outcry against Komen, which was a serving of horsefeathers. It was all staged.

The infuriated Titanic girls staked their flag in the opening sentence, saying that Ms. Handal’s departure was an attempt by the scarred group to rehabilitate its image, insulted and lied about mercilessly by the broad left-wing media and social community last week. Then they insulted the dreaded Republican woman again by officiously saying – as the fetching Ms. Shari did last Saturday – Ms. Handal is a “self-described pro-life Christian.” Why “self-described”? Because liberals routinely are insecure and envious, Ms. Shari needed a way to diminish the more accomplished Ms. Handal.

The Degree of Nonsense

How did this happen? The bulgy bullies of Planned insidiously trip Komen while walking down the street, mock the serious ladies to their toadies in the medffia, and then this week they tell us Komen – Komen? – is rehabilitating itself. Straight out of a mad housewife’s How-To manual.

The biggest irony in the phony Planned war is that Planned is a thoroughgoing left-wing political organization while Komen is apolitical, breast cancer-cure oriented.

For climactic yucks, the angry girls from the Titanic turned to a fair-and-balanced manhater, the lovely Patty Bellasalma, described as president of California NOW, which reportedly stands for the National Organization of Whores, I presume.

Speaking like a woman whose partner has denied her access to the bedroom for a year, Ms. Patty holds the identical opinion of Komen that I do of my least favorite former Mrs. Noonan.

Upon reflection, since we have p[arallel dislikes, Ms. P and I may need to shmooze. Hmm. I wonder if a NOW girl would speak to a normal person.