Home OP-ED Joe, You Should Rest in Merited Peace

Joe, You Should Rest in Merited Peace


Dateline Dayton – Today is Joe Paterno’s memorial service. I didn’t know Joe. Nor do I follow Penn State football. I am not even much of a sports fan. I will watch the Super Bowl to see the commercials. Now you are able to see most of them on your computer without having to watch the game.

I still will watch the game on television. But I probably will be doing a project at the same time, such as going through my vast amount of paper.

How could you not know and like Joe Paterno? He was around forever, and with the same school. Many coaches come and go, but Paterno just kept plugging. Football and academics were Joe’s life while being an outstanding financial supporter of Penn State.

It’s sad that an assistant coach brought him down, possibly contributing to his speedy death. Joe did what he thought was right. The university administration let him down.

Did Joe do enough, under the circumstance? No!

The trustees of Penn State made a hasty decision that could have hastened his death. Did they make the correct decision? I guess. We will have to see. Personally, I believe the assistant coach who witnessed the abuse had almost as much responsibility to follow up on the action being taken by the university as Joe.

How did the trustees treat him?

Rest in peace, Joe, knowing that you helped many over your long career, both on and off the football field. They appreciate what you did for them.

Is There Any Hope?

Last Saturday was Primary Day in South Carolina. As I said previously, I don’t believe any of the contenders, are Presidential material, the least of whom, after Obama, has to be Newt. We must have a candidate with business experience and high morals. Neither Obama nor Gingrich possesses either qualification. Unfortunately, I have my doubts if Mitt can be elected. Most of us are unable to relate to him. However, , can we really relate to anyone seeking any political office these days, especially the Presidency?

I’m still holding out hope that someone will surface for the Republicans who can lead us out of this mess. On Election Day, it will be up to us to make an informed decision on every candidate running for office. Who will do the best job for America? Who will put party aside and vote for what is best for the majority, not the special interests? Who will put aside amassing large personal wealth while in office to serve our country?

Enlightened Attitude

On Monday, I had a lunch meeting with a young man we were interviewing as a possible candidate for the Learning Tree Farm Board. He’s familiar with the Farm, having been there on a few occasions, on Volunteer Days with his employer.

He was very upbeat about the Farm. Since this wasn’t a job interview, the conversation got around to age and children. I am the oldest member of the Board and he would be the youngest. Another Board member with us is in his early forties and has five children.

Nick chimed in to say he’s been married for six months and is being asked when they are going to start a family – and the question is not coming from their parents. His response, which I found very refreshing was: “Hey, we just got married.” In this day and age, marriage doesn’t appear to be needed to have children.

He’s going to make a great addition to the Learning Tree Farm Board. There is hope for our future with fine young people like Nick. We only hear about the troublemakers.

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net