Home News This Is Going to Be Controversial, Meghan Says

This Is Going to Be Controversial, Meghan Says


Re “At Kickoff, Meghan Is Not Mourning Passing of the Agencies

Never bashful about her convictions in the several years since she emerged as a community activist, Meghan Sahli-Wells eschewed her toe and dipped her whole foot in with her newest opinion.

“This is going to be controversial, to say that redevelopment isn’t perfect in Culver City,” she said Sunday afternoon when formally opening her campaign for the City Council.

“We love our redevelopment, but it hasn’t been perfect,” she said.

“We need to face that.”

When she first heard about the State Supreme Court confirming the imminent death of Redevelopment Agencies 12 days ago, her first response was “mixed.”

“We want a healthy economy in Culver City, and once again, redevelopment has been a part of our healthy economy compared to other cities. There is no doubt it is going to be better.

“The arts are important. My dad is an artist. I come from that kind of family. I really am worried about what will happen to the arts in Culver City. It is so important to us. It is raised property values. It has defined us. So many good things have happened because of the arts.

Looking for Help

“I don’t know if we will be able to salvage the arts programs without redevelopment. I will actively be looking for ways to do that.”

Ms. Sahli-Wells was in the audience for state Sen. Curren D. Price Jr.’s (D-Culver City) community meeting last Saturday. “He said the legislature was trying to avoid having redevelopment from falling down on us on Feb. 1 and is looking into extending the date. This is tough because it is about local control of money.”

Among Others

Gregg Fleishman’s Studio, on the northeast corner of Main Street and Culver Boulevard, Downtown, site of the campaign launch, was jammed to the walls.

Former School Board member Madeline Ehrlich, a staple at campaign events of numerous candidates, said she has not decided whether to endorse Ms. Sahli-Wells.

But new School Board member Laura Chardiet definitely has. Here is why Ms. Chardiet is backing her:

“Meghan has a reputation for being a gentle yet consistent and persistent leader. She is active in all areas of our community.

“I appreciate also what she has done for schools, and for what she has done to get people to school by walking and by bicycling, which is near and dear to her heart. People like her will move public opinion slowly over time. But they will move it.”

“There are so many reasons I am here to support Meghan,” said arch-activist Rebecca Rona-Tuttle. “Meghan is a tremendous organizer. When she knows something is the right thing to do, she knows how to galvanize community support — whether it is the environment, solar panels, or greening the creek to make it cleaner, or the bike pathways to make better biking for children and all of us.”

Charley Hoult was even more succinct. “Meghan knows the citizens, she knows the issues facing the city and she has paid her dues,” he said.

Ms. Sahli-Wells may be contacted at http://meghanshaliwells.com