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Watch the People Off-Stage
Its Kuehl To Be Gay
Having sprung from the slower thinking corner of my family, it only recently has occurred to me why most gay people are not married, well-organized publicity to the contrary. The most militant — which feels like fifty million but actually may be five thousand — don’t have room in their busy lives to spend evenings before a crackling fire with their fellow wives and their fellow husbands. They are off to their twenty-five-year-old phony propaganda wars, pal. Since the faux rights wars started, “rights” and “tolerance” have entered our lexicon as buzz words. But actually they are gay community euphemisms for “domination.” Everyday a new battle is to be won, a new group of the unsuspecting and the well-meaning to be indoctrinated. Never is it too early or too late in a day for the militant machos to step down into the filthy but necessary trenches to educate the unenlightened about how morally necessary it is to fight for their rights in a world that hates them. They will not consider their war won until the suggestion of one wit is adopted: Name every city in California West Hollywood. Today it is the turn of state Sen. Sheila (Bad Penny) Kuehl (D-Santa Monica, naturally) to rant. Keep an eye on Senate Bill 1437, which she has introduced in Sacramento.
On Being Unfair to Vera
Ludlow The Missing Pieces
I am intrigued by what remains hidden about Martin Ludlow’s downfall from public life for diverting union funds. The story is full of fig leaves. I am disappointed by how meekly the young, formerly promising former Los Angeles City Councilman has been allowed to walk away from a spectacularly busted career without an explanation. Just too pat. He is of the wrong color and the wrong ideology to be pressed by the Los Angeles Times, and there is no one else. Left dangling are penetrating questions about the context in which he stabbed his career in the back. The answer is a tightly guarded mystery.