A Holiday Bu-bar-cue
In the Year of Our What?
The Suit Is in Heidis Court
Stand for Something
I would imagine the roughest part of the day for Erin Aubry Kaplan, the Times’ often brattish commentator on cultures of color, is arriving at a traffic signal. The angry little lady probably is puzzled by which light to get mad at. At the red one because green is showing? Or the green one because the red is showing? She appears to prefer amber because amber does not force her to make a commitment. She can stop, a little. Or she can drive on, a little. Life can be such a nag when you are shilling for the affirmative action yahoos. My, my. Living with Ms. Mad must be a riot. (Fortunately, she is one of the few women with nose-holding attitudes whom I overlooked in my now terminated Wife-for-a-Few-Years Derby.)
Tribute to Gay Honesty
No Friend of Mexicans
Making West L.A. Disappear
From the Right, Mr. Noonan
Possibly the only worthwhile question to curl out of the distinctly anti-American march for illegal immigration on May 1 was whether the hooligans would have any effect on policymaking in Washington. Except for the historic penchant of the political class to wobble and cave before pressure groups of any size, the inquiry would be absurd. For sober Americans, however, the carefully scripted rallies in each of thirty American communities represented the nadir of nonsense. Marching to honor those who blatantly broke the law, boast about it and now are demanding further handouts is a stunt that deluded doctors of distraction, such as our town’s Tim Robbins, should limit to the confines of a playhouse. Or risk falling into America’s doghouse.