Pennsylvania is done, we have Indiana and North Carolina to look forward to – yes, the national gastric disorder I call Indigestion ’08 continues. And with it endures the media’s most annoying analytical blind spots.
Michigan and Florida
Missing in all the theatrical pleas to help “disenfranchised” Michigan/Florida voters is the fact that their votes aren’t part of a big-D Democratic process, but are involved in an internal party matter. Complaining about disenfranchised voters in these two states is like complaining that members of the local Country Club were disenfranchised in voting for their officers. When it comes to Florida and Michigan, the people responsible for screwing over voters aren’t the candidates or the DNC; the fault lies with state party leaders who tried to get cute by breaking their own party’s rules. Put their heads on a platter, let them apologize to voters for throwing out their votes, and let’s all remember that…