The Retirement of Benefits

George LaaseOP-ED

     For years, school districts have been paying retiree benefits of former employees out of the general fund as bills come due.
     Now the independent Governmental Accounting Standards Board has called for districts to account differently for these expenditures.
     In the past, the cost of these benefits was recognized on a pay-as-you-go basis. The government board has determined that the non-disclosure of the benefits liability distorts a school district’s financial picture. 
     Therefore, the agency has adopted a policy requiring disclosure and expensing of retiree benefits on an accrual basis, that is, as the employees earn their benefits.


The Real Truth About V


     Over the past few weeks, Measure V opponents have asserted that the proposed new charter is part of a plan to eliminate civil service protection for city employees. Nothing could be farther from the truth.
     I, along with every other member of the Charter Review Committee, recognize that Culver City is extremely fortunate to have such high quality employees.

     The Committee did conclude that Culver City was not well served by the present system. Some department heads are covered by civil service and others are not.

     But there was not even a suggestion that we might want to reduce (much less eliminate) the civil service protections enjoyed by city employees below the department head level.
     The “smoking gun” pointed to by Measure V opponents is the deletion from the current charter of a clause requiring a two-thirds vote of the people before a city department can be withdrawn from civil service.

Why Yes Vote on V Is Wise


     We urge you to vote Yes on Measure  V on Election Day, April 11.
     It has been more than fifty years since the adoption of the current City Charter.  The world and the city have changed considerably.  It is time for Culver City to get in step with today and be governed by a Charter that allows the city to adapt to tomorrow.

     Taking Raintree as a microcosm of the city, we can look back a few years when the Boards of Directors hired, fired and evaluated the performance of all our employees.

Santa Claws Or Is It Claus?


     I realize that Santa Claus does not make an appearance during the winter holiday that we of the Jewish persuasion observe.  
     However, I would think that as a journalist you would be more conscious of your spelling and grammar.
     I believe the icon is Santa Claus, not Santa Clause.

On Way Out, Vera Endorses O’Leary

Ari L. NoonanOP-ED

     In the semi-final act of his nearly completed political career, the often unpredictable Mayor Albert Vera yesterday endorsed the youngest of the City  Council candidates, Mehaul O’Leary.
     Pointedly — and playfully — passing over the other two contenders, his Vice Mayor, Gary Silbiger, and the Planning Commissioner Scott Malsin, the mayor was being formful to the end.
     Never one to worry about placing his shoe atop the foot of another, he boldly predicted that Mr. Silbiger and Mr. O’Leary will lead the field on Election Day, Tuesday, April 11.      
If the mayor throws himself into the campaign by aggressively seeking to convince longtime Vera loyalists to vote for Mr. O’Leary, there could be a payoff for the new kid.
     If he doesn’t, the value of the endorsement probably would plummet.

Endorsements — How Valuable Are They?

Ari L. NoonanOP-ED

       Paul Jacobs, the last of Culver City’s four-term City Councilmen, paused at the lunch hour yesterday to appraise the merits of political endorsements in this town.
       Will they help elect Scott Malsin or Mehaul O’Leary or Vice Mayor Gary Silbiger to gain the two available seats on the City Council on Tuesday, April 11?
       “It is a wonderful question,” Mr. Jacobs, an attorney, said. “It’s probably been asked for decades, even centuries.”
       The answer, he concluded, is both yes and  no.
       The fluidity of the nature of politics reduces certitude. Predictions are no more than projections, hardly guarantees.

Two Votes for Malsin


     We support Scott Malsin for City Council.  These are the three main reasons we will be voting for him:
   1. Experience.  Scott has demonstrated his dedication to Culver City for years.  Through such activities as his membership on the Planning Commission, his involvement with the Fiesta la Ballona and groups like CERT, Scott has been involved in many aspects of Culver City life. Actively participating in a variety of programs with different groups, he is working to improve the lives of Culver City residents.  He has gained an excellent understanding of how the city and its government work, how residents feel about their city.  To mix metaphors, "he’s paid his dues" and will be ready to "hit the ground running" as a member of the City Council.

Reasons to Oppose Measure V


     I’ll be voting no on Measure V.  I’ve asked the same question of three different speakers in favor of the measure at three different Measure V debates and received basically the same answer three times. 
     The question: "If I don’t agree with even one part of the Charter Amendment, how can I, in good conscience, vote in favor of it?"  The answer?  "If you approve of most of it, vote yes.  You can’t put it all on the ballot as separate line items."
     Those of us against Measure V approve of the majority of it.  The language cleanup, the administrative "stuff," does need to be changed.  But items like CAO vs. City Manager, removing civil service protection from the fire and police chiefs, appointing the City Treasurer and City Clerk instead of electing them?  Each one has a valid "yes" or "no" argument.  The hot button items should be separated out and voted on individually.

Why Malsin Is Recommended


I moved into Culver City in 1998, and I was unsure what to expect.  I was surprised to find active and spirited residents dedicated to ensuring that Culver City remains a thriving community.  I also found a city government responsive to the needs its residents. 
Scott Malsin, in large part, helped to exceed my expectations.  In this age of political cynicism and apathy, Scott brings a clear and reasoned voice to politics.  He understands our problems and finds common ground with friends and foes alike.  His first question is never “what’s in it for me?” Rather, “what’s in the best interest of the community?”  That is simply refreshing.

City Councilperson, Gary Silbiger


I am helping our incumbent City Councilperson, Gary Silbiger, to be re-elected on April 11 for several reasons:
·  Gary has consistently supported and voted giving increased notice to relevant parties, be they residents, homeowners or developers;
·  Gary has encouraged interested parties to come to meetings and make their voices heard;
·  Gary appreciates how difficult it is for some people to stand up and speak at meetings. He has always been respectful and listened to the comments made, be they oral or written statements;