It’s an old story.
Vera 1, Everybody Else 0
They Will Call Him Chief
Council Shuns Goodbye Kisses
Gays: Still Victims of Oppression
Will Chief Vote Remain Soundproof?
While the new Police Chief-in-waiting Don Pedersen was visiting a doctor on Friday morning to fulfill his medical exam requirement, the City Council was talking about him.
They will be talking about him even more at the outset of the City Council meeting on Monday night, and it may get messy.
Worded intriguingly vaguely on the Council Agenda, a “presentation” of Mr. Pedersen is listed as the first order of business.
What is a presentation? At the weekend, a precise explanation was not available.
The Anatomy of an Election
• Complete Election Results (below)
From a wandering journalists diary
Silbiger Headquarters
Mrs. C was beaming about Isabell Gabrielle, who turns two months old on Thursday, April 20. She behaves nearly perfectly, her objective Mom testified, as all infant Democrats traditionally do.