Democratic Congressman Henry Waxman is misleading voters on Independent Bill Bloomfield, and voters in the new 33rd Congressional District need to know the truth.
Vote for Our Dad, Richard Bloom
Thank you for taking the time to learn a bit about our dad, Richard Bloom, who's running for state Assembly in California's 50th District.
Steps City Hall Has Taken to Make Fiscal Lives Slimmer
As I have spoken to people about supporting Measure Y, many ask me why City Hall is not doing more to trim the budget and make cuts instead of pushing a half-cent sales tax measure.
Y Is About Being Penny-Wise, Not Pound-Foolish
As a Culver City resident for 50-plus years, I can attest to the community benefits of our remarkably well-run local government.
Why Not Follow Costco’s Smart Lead?
Some years ago, Costco eliminated 89 octane gas from its stations and passed the savings on to its customers.
Our Children’s Education Must Come Before Politics
As a lifetime Democrat and former School Board member, I was disappointed when I read the list of voting recommendations of the Culver City Democratic Club. (See Community Update.)
Overwhelming Advantages of Voting Yes on Measure Y
As former City Treasurer, I urge Culver City voters to vote Yes on Measure Y next Tuesday.
An Injured Man Screams, Waits and Waits – but Not in Culver City
On Tuesday, Nov. 6, the voting residents of Culver City will have many choices at our voting booths – nationally, statewide and locally.
UPCC Says Backing Props. 30, 38 Is Year’s No. 1 Educational Goal
Vote yes on the school-funding propositions 30 and 38 as United Parents of Culver City joins with Council Parent Teachers Assn. (Yes on 38) to alert parents to the importance of this election
A Yes Vote on Y Will Benefit All of Us
As a Culver City resident, I plan to support Measure Y.