Little Time Left to Vote – Bloom Says Choose Galperin

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Assemblymember Richard Bloom. If you live in Los Angeles, your mailbox has probably been overflowing with political mail, typically more hype than helpful. That is why I'm writing to share my personal recommendation of Ron Galperin for L.A. City Controller.

Vus Titzuch?

Letters to the EditorLetters

President Obama calls the head of the CIA and asks, “How come the Jews know everything before we do?”
 The CIA chief says, “The Jews have this expression, ‘Vus titzuch?’”
 The President asks, “What’s that mean?” 

Tell Me, Who Won the Compton Election?

Letters to the EditorLetters

Being a member of the Compton community and living in this city, I have yet to find out who has won the election for mayor, or if there is even a declared winner at all. I'm concerned for this city in the future if we do not get things going. The fact alone that the average age of most residents of Compton is very young is something we should take advantage of. But the lack of progress is seriously affecting this city in many ways.

One Vote for Pearlman for Community College Board

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Rebecca Rona Tuttle. Dear Friends: Please make sure to cast your ballot today for Nancy Pearlman, who is running as an incumbent. Our votes will enable her to continue serving as a trustee on the Los Angeles Community College District Board.

UPCC Fundraiser, Honoring Board Candidates, is June 9

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Jeannine Wisnosky Stehlin. On Saturday, June 9, United Parents of Culver City is hosting a fundraising party to honor the candidate(s) we will help elect in the November School Board elections. This is a wonderful opportunity to join JOIN UPCC, or renew your membership and spend an enjoyable evening.

United Parents Warming up for the Election

Letters to the EditorLetters

Editor’s Note: United Parents of Culver City, which marks its first birthday this month, has not yet endorsed this year’s School Board candidates. and Ms. Wisnosky Stehlin is the President.

Please Don’t Park in My Neighborhood

Letters to the EditorLetters

The Culver City Car Show is coming to Downtown tomorrow, and ads have been placed in a local newspaper stating: “No parking in residential neighborhoods. Permit parking will be enforced. Parking available in Downtown Parking Structures…The Culver City Police Dept. will ticket.” Sounds like the neighborhood is…

An Invitation for Campers, Especially for Husky Boys and Girls

Letters to the EditorLetters

In response to the health challenges facing youth in Service Planning Area 6, our organization, Falcons Youth and Family Services, along with staff members from County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas’s office, developed Camp H.O.P.E. (Helping the Obesity Problem End). What makes Camp H.O.P.E. unique is…

Who Knew There Was an Election? Why Keep It a Secret?

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Jose Nunez. I recently came across your article on the elections last week in Compton. I currently have lived in this city for 25 years now, and this most recent election, that apparently took place, was not even mentioned at all. I was aware that it would happen.