After Leahy Flap, Goodmon Seeks Records from Metro

Letters to the EditorLetters

Editor’s Note: Hours after learning that Metro evidently had an opportunity to satisfy both demands of the Crenshaw Subway Coalition, for a Leimert Park Village station and to build the long-sought 11-block subway through Park Mesa Heights, but only opted for one, Mr. Goodmon dispatched the following letter.

Prickly Question for Council About Breathing in Toxics

Letters to the EditorLetters

Prop. 65 (the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986) requires all the gasoline-dispensing stations in Culver City to have signs saying something toxic is present…What can the City Council do to help me reduce that (weekly) dose for myself and for the typical Culver City resident?

Zirgulis Makes His Anticipated Announcement

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Robert Zirgulis. After careful thought, I have decided to officially announce my candidacy for the Culver City School Board at the Wednesday, June 12, Culver City Democratic Club meeting at the Vets Auditorium.

I Am Making a Prediction

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Robert Zirgulis. Editor’s Note: At the writer’s request, this pre-posted letter was withheld until after yesterday’s announcement by United Parents of Culver City that the union was endorsing School Board President Kathy Paspalis and former UPCC President Steve Levin for the November School Board election.

We Are Serious About Pursuing Cleaner Air at El Marino

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Scott McVarish. George Laase's article last week on the air quality at El Marino Language School deserves a comment. It was a well-written piece that laid out the facts fairly, contained a provocative proposal (moving the school) but ultimately fell short in repeating a common red herring.

Huge Victory for Crenshaw – Leimert Park Station Approved

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Damien Goodmon. Did you hear the news?
This morning the MTA board voted to fully fund a subway station at Leimert Park on the Crenshaw Line: Yes, Virginia, there will be a Leimert Park station on the upcoming Crenshaw/LAX light rail Line.

Rabbi in Desperate Need of Help

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Danny and Jina Tabarzia. Dear Friends: Allow me to take a few minutes of your time. Rabbi Noam Capri, the second grade rebbe (teacher) at Emek Hebrew Academy in the Valley, is in need of a heart transplant.

What Young People Can Learn from Studying Faces

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Keith Johnson. Hello, Everyone: I am often asked, why do you and your wife work so hard for a youth football and cheer program? Why do you and your wife put in so much of your own resources?