As a candidate for School Board, I have been approached by many student volunteers who want to “fix our school pool” by helping with my campaign. Some volunteers are “permit” students, meaning they live outside the School District but attend school in our District on a permit basis. Approximately 20% percent of the students in our School District are classified as…
Your Endorsement Facts Are Made Out of What?
Dear Ms. Wallace, I am not sure where you have gotten your numbers on our endorsements for the School Board. I would like to point out that “teachers” and “certified” employees are one and the same group. Therefore, you are still not providing accurate information to the readers whom you claim you want to inform.
Laase vs. Zirgulis
By Robert Smith. Clearly your essayist George Laase is not a fan of School Board candidate Robert Zirgulis. It is also very clear that Mr. Laase has no opinion on the Natatorium. His attempt to discredit Mr. Zirgulis is very obviously personal. Name-calling and finger-pointing are typically signs of…
Unions Endorsements Transparent? Only 4.2% and 1.7% Voted
By Jamie Wallace. This is in response to recent claims by David Mielke, president of the Teachers Union, and Debbie Hamme, president of the Assn. of Classified Employees, about how important the joint union endorsements of School Board candidates are.
An Answer Drenched in Common Sense
By Robert Zirgulis. I just finished talking about the Natatorium to a group of 15 Culver Park students off-campus. I asked them point blank, “Which would you rather have, a refurbished Natatorium swimming pool or a fancy new classroom?”
Two School Board Members Worked on Bond. Three Did Not
By Crystal Czarnecki Alexander. It doesn’t take a union endorsement or a degree in education to make an effective School Board member. Being able to make good business decisions does. Let’s put the kids and the community first, foremost and especially at the polls. As former elected City Treasurer, 30-plus year finance professional and 27-year Culver City resident, I am well versed in decision-making that…
Why Postponing the Bond Issue Was a Wise Choice
By Sandy Schwartz. The lack of funding in our schools has always been an issue. When our two sons, who are now in their 40s, attended Culver City schools, there were complaints about unfulfilled needs just as there are now. Unfortunately there never is enough…
Contrast in Motivation –Value of the Chamber’s School Board Endorsements
By Alan Elmont. The Culver City Chamber of Commerce is in business to “promote the commercial and economic growth of Culver City, and to foster civic improvements that benefit the general welfare of those who live, work and visit here…” So wherein lies the motivation to endorse Dr. Steve Levin and Sue Robins – or any candidate – for the upcoming School Board elections? How should we voting citizens weigh such an endorsement?
Zirgulis Has Bad News for Naysayers
By Robert Zirgulis. The tremendous public support for fixing the Culver City school Natatorium building is overwhelming. Especially when I show people graphic pictures of what has happened to the formerly world class swimming pool. I have personally gathered over 1,500 signatures including…
In Defense of Union Endorsees for the School Board
Editor’s Note: Controversy has been swirling ever since Teachers Union President David Mielke announced here on the morning of Aug. 30 that, along with the Assn. of Classified Employees, they would be endorsing two first-time candidates and one incumbent in the School Board race. Ms. Hamme, the letter-writer, is president of the classified employees union.