Is It Worth $141,120 a Year to Maintain the Natatorium?

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Robert Smith. Open Letter to the Culver City School Board Candidates. In the past eight weeks many questions have been asked from the public regarding the Natatorium. The primary question: If elected, would you vote to renovate the pool if money were available from a bond measure?

Three Reasoned Suggestions for the Board – Paspalis, Robins, Levin

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Jamie Wallace. I strongly urge you to vote for Kathy Paspalis, Sue Robins, and Dr. Steve Levin for School Board on Nov. 5. I am a former booster club president, high school parent, and perpetual volunteer who has attended numerous School Board meetings, forums, workshops, and meetings.

He Talks About ‘Union Hypocrisy,’ UPCC, Its Detractors and of Fear Itself

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Bryan Tjomsland. The upcoming Culver City School Board election for the first time includes three great candidates who enjoy the support of the United Parents of Culver City, a parents group intent on influencing CCUSD for the benefit of students.

I speak only for myself. But I observe that UPCC endorsements have predictably triggered attacks by those who are hostile toward this year-old group of involved parents.

When Voting, Don’t Be Seduced Into Inflating the Value of Volunteering

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Sandy Schwartz. Dear fellow voters: Several writers submitting letters about the School Board candidates have noted the amount of volunteering each has contributed to our schools. They want to make that a criterion for supporting them. To that point I will describe the situation that existed when…

Parents See Through Scare Tactics of LAUSD, Says the UPCC President

Letters to the EditorLetters

I have heard from Culver City parents and teachers who are disgusted and offended by the United Teachers Los Angeles letter. They want no part of the LAUSD machine. They see through the scare tactics and the lies. First of all, the UTLA letter implies that UPCC, United Parents of Culver City, is anti-union. Saying that enough times still does not make it true.

The Rare Technical Value of Dr. Levin from the Inside

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Kelley Roberts. As a veteran teacher in Culver City Unified School District, I feel fortunate to work in a community that values and supports excellence in education. During my tenure, I have had the wonderful opportunity to work with numerous dedicated individuals. One of those people…