By Jon S. Thornton. George Laase attacks Mr. Z, Robert Zirgulis, with more propaganda hate letters. Mr. Laase, why don’t you concentrate on the needs of the School District – air conditioning, learning strategies, quality educators, common core, drinking water, heating, outdoor surfaces, air quality in the classroom – instead of personal attacks on Mr. Z?
A Time to Chide
Dear Mr. George Laase – Robert Zirgulis, Mr. Z, is a pretty bright guy, and he has come up with some good ideas during his many campaigns. Kathy Paspalis of the School Board is not the only one to claim jump his ideas. Restoring the Natatorium was my idea. Mr. Z is just keeping hope alive.
Verdicts That Caused Silbiger to Lose Favor with Voters
By Gary Abrams. Andrew Castle, let me guess: You are a product of the great Culver City School District? Do not want to deflate your bubble, but your reasoning is flawed about last month’s School Board election. Do not feel badly. Politics in Culver City is not unlike most small, unsophisticated cities. Usually it is above board. You may not know me, Culver City’s most feared…
She Has Seen This Bond Movie Before. No, Not James
By Lori Jeffries. Urban myths rely upon their own repetition to remain alive and kicking. Culver City's esteemed Educrats (both popularly elected and professionally hired) are maintaining the health of a dandy urban myth. Justification for a November bond measure derailment by the now- vanquished School Board Troika last July was cloaked in many forms…
Time to Raise Awareness Again on the Natatorium
By Robert Zirgulis. One reason I ran for School Board was to bring attention to the neglected and deplorable conditions of our Culver City School Natatorium swimming pool, shuttered since 1991. Although I lost the election, I succeeded in making Culver City residents aware that it doesn't make sense to spend $10.7 million to demolish “our school pool” and replace it with…
A Funeral Procession: Zirgulis Is Burying a Hatchet or Two
By Robert Zirgulis. After witnessing the swearing-in of the new School Board members last Tuesday, I congratulated them and wished them well. As an opposing candidate, I believe I had cordial and civil relationships with them during the campaign. I was invited to the…
Top Ten (Letterman) Reasons That Silbiger Lost Last Month
By Andrew Castle. Slate politics had nothing to do with the results of the school board election. The results showed that the voting public preferred three candidates, Dr. Steve Levin, Kathy Paspalis and Sue Robins over Karlo Silbiger and his running mates.
Silbiger’s Take on Slate Elections Is Called Wrong
By Alan Elmont. Your current series of articles/interviews with Karlo Silbiger lamenting about “slate” politics in Culver City is so much false propaganda, as everyone active in Culver City’s elections already knows. Since I have reached my tolerance level for BS (being below sea level to start), I am compelled to say there is an…
Sew There Was This Group of Ladies, See
By Frances Talbott-White. Thank you for the coverage of Monday evening's So-in Sew-in at City Hall. I may have “appeared to be the leader of the band,” but I was a casual attendee. It's just that I talk so much and get excited about needlework done with recycled materials.
How to Feed Culver City Children Who Are Hungry
By Laura Stuart. Everyone is getting ready for the holidays. Chanukah is done, and we are on to Christmas. I am sure each one of you is figuring out who is on your list and what to buy them. I suggest each Culver City resident or worker fortunate enough to have a list and money, to think about adding a contribution to feed…