Taxpayers to the Rescue – Again – for the Ice Arena?

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Gary Abrams. The City Council seals the fate of the Ice Arena with pre-contrived taxpayer-funded toxic cleanup loan/grant. The city will monitor the toxic clean-up site to protect its citizens. If the developers cannot…

On Bond Survey, a Specific Question Was Avoided

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Robert Zirgulis. The recent survey on whether the Culver City community will support a $106 million bond showed that there is overwhelming support for passage. I wholeheartedly agree with the survey that we need to pass a $106 million bond to refurbish the infrastructure of our schools. However, I have problems with…

Mayor Stresses His Empathy for Culver City Renters

Letters to the EditorLetters

[Editor’s Note: Mr. Cooper, mayor of Culver City, will preside over this evening’s 7 o’clock City Council meeting at City Hall, where rent control is expected to be discussed.] I personally know and have met many renters in Culver City during my four years on the City Council. With few exceptions, they love living in Culver City, and they enjoy great relationships with their landlords.

Endorsing a Colleague for a Second Term

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Andy Weissman. Mayor Jeff Cooper is running for re-election to the City Council. Jeff has been an outstanding leader on the Council. He has worked hard…

A Candidate Apologizes

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Gary Abrams. Dear Readers, I apologize, and again I make no excuse for the omission of the most important words of my letter, “I subscribe to the Tarek M. Baydoun’s school of thought,” published in in this newspaper last week.

He Clarifies ‘Misinformation’ About Culver City Renters

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Steve Rose. As I read the misinformation campaign this morning that 50 percent of Culver City are renters, I wondered where this misinformation came from? It is not reading to the bottom of the page.
Culver City has about 10,500 single-family homes and about 7,500 multi-family households. Now let’s read to the rest of the facts.

Mayor Is Scorched for His Anti-Rent Control Views

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Shireen Daytona. Reading Mayor Jeff Cooper’s quote yesterday that in his opinion “Our Landlord/Tenant Mediation Board does a good job,” is either a reflection of his implied low standards or that he is blissfully unaware of what has been going on in those quarters of City Hall. Or, perhaps, he would just rather…

Look at the Sad State of Our Apartment

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Mirsha Lopez. Editor’s Note: The four-member Sebastian and Mirsha Lopez family of East Los Angeles has been battling broken/missing/ignored facilities and amenities in its apartment since agreeing to move into the affordable rooms three years ago. Here is the second half of a lengthy letter they delivered Wednesday to the management of Wyvernwood Gardens.

Lopez Family Pleads for Mercy and Accommodation

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Mirsha Lopez. Editor’s Note: The four-member Sebastian and Mirsha Lopez family of East Los Angeles has been battling broken/missing/ignored facilities and amenities in its apartment since agreeing to move into the affordable rooms three years ago. Here is a lengthy letter they delivered yesterday to the management of Wyvernwood Gardens.

Will These Suggestions Save the Ice Rink?

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Robert Zirgulis. Looks like another beloved Culver City landmark used by thousands of students and residents for the past 52 years is about to be demolished. No, not the Culver City School Natatorium. Unfortunately It's the Culver City Ice Rink. I attended the City Council meeting on Monday and was moved by the outpouring of support for keeping the Culver City Ice Rink open.