By Michael MilliganNot only was George Laase spot-on in his essay, he even overlooked another burden for property owners, one that took effect on Jan. 1. To further tighten lending rules that were abused by banks five years ago, new 2014 regulations not only lower the qualifying debt-to-income ratio, but the debt calculation now also includes a wide variety of common debt, from …
Crucial Questions That Karagozian Needs to Answer
By John Spiering. Are we supposed to trust that once the ice is melted at the Culver City Ice Arena, the owner will do the right thing and only entertain offers for ice rink tenants? This, after he shopped and happily accepted Planet Granite as a new lessee 2½ months ago?
High School’s Casino Night Is Merely 10 Nights Away
By Scott Zeidman. A reminder that the Culver City High School Casino Night is approaching fast. Saturday, March 15, Vets Auditorium will be turned into a virtual casino with table games, raffles and an amazing silent/live auction. Your $35 admission ticket gives you access to the local restaurant-donated food and the biggest …
In This Dem Town, Only 97 Belong to the Dem Club? Appalling
By Alan Elmont. Although I cannot join the Culver City Democratic Club (yet) because I am a militant centrist (not affiliated with any party..any longer) I was shocked…shocked I tell you, to read today in a letter to the editor by Patricia Levinson that the Culver City Democratic Club has a total of 97 paid members.
Firing Back, Corlin Claims Dem Endorsement Process Is Manipulated
By Alan Corlin. While I appreciate Patricia Levinson's response to my questions as to how the Culver City Democratic Club endorsement process works, I believe the underlying issues transcend my views alone. Many different groups successfully poll their members by absentee means. The list is long and varied.
While I Disagree with Corlin, We Are on the Same Team
By Patricia Levinson. By your thinking, Mr. Corlin, I am just guessing, that the Culver City Democratic Club needs to establish a database with signatures so that absentee ballots can be mailed to all members? Then the Club would verify the ballots/signatures, as the County does after the election, and the results would be announced some weeks later? Is that your process?
Is the Dem Club Democratic? Then Everyone Should Be Allowed a Vote
By Alan Corlin. Regarding bullet voting at the Culver City Democratic Club endorsement meeting this month, Pat Levinson stated in her letter yesterday that “each candidate is welcome to ‘stack the house’ with his or her people, whom they assume will vote for them. That’s what happens on every Election Day in every precinct. ‘Get Out the Vote!’ is the mantra for every candidate.” I submit that …
Why, Oh Why, Is Clarke Complaining?
By Debbie Hamme. There is nothing undemocratic about only voting for the candidate that impresses you. If it turns out to be only one out of four, then …
Ready? Aim. But Don’t Fire Over Bullet Voting at Dem Club
By Pat Levinson. City Councilman Jim Clarke is welcome to his opinion on bullet voting. While I work on the Christopher Patrick King campaign, I was never instructed to bullet vote at this month’s Culver City Democratic Club endorsement meeting. In fact, I didn’t. I voted for …
League Will Host Community’s First Candidates Forum
By Frances Talbott-White. To prepare voters for the April 8 City Council election, the League of Women Voters Culver City Unit will present a candidates forum in Council Chambers on Monday, March 3, at 6:30. Ask2Know Kid Forums is co-sponsoring the evening. Live television coverage will be provided on …