Natatorium Is Exactly the Right Subject for Measure CC Poster

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Robert Zirgulis. I always said that a picture of the Natatorium, the Culver City School Pool, would be a great poster child for promoting the need for improving our schools with the passage of Measure CC on June 3. I was happy to get a mailer from …

Historic Status Is Sought for Closed Culver City Ice Arena

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Tai Babilonia and Bill White. Dear Cultural Affairs Commission: We are writing in support of the nomination and designation of the Culver City Ice Arena for “significant” historic preservation status by Culver City. We support, in full, the conclusion and findings of the April 15 report prepared for Culver City by the Architectural Resources Group, Inc. (ARG). We are pleased that the ARG “study” concluded that …

Think, Please. Only a ‘No’ Vote Is Logical on Measure CC

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Michael Milligan. Tax-and-spend activists must either be seriously out-of-touch with reality or completely immune to irony. How else could anyone organize a $106 million tax increase rally on April 12, halfway between property tax day (April 10) and income tax day (April 15)? Culver City voters are smart. They already had defeated a parcel tax in 1991, because parcel taxes are so wrong in so many ways. Activists persisted, with the help of high-priced consultants (paid with your tax dollars). Their only task: To figure out …

We Will See What Culver City Decides, Says King

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Christopher Patrick King. Today is our chance to make a difference in Culver City. I encourage everyone to go out, vote and elect the leaders they feel will best represent our amazing city. It has been a long campaign. I enjoyed every minute — from walking precincts and knocking on literally thousands of doors to planting our team’s signs on supporting lawns, to speaking about my ideas at every single forum. It was a pleasure seeing many of you turn up …

The Importance of Newcomer Candidate King

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Wendy Taylor. As a longtime voter here in Culver City and a Culver City business owner, I do my best to pay attention to each election and to understand the unique issues each presents. In today’s City Council election, I have heard some citizens express their lack of concern for the topics being presented. Some voters feel that …

Why It Is Critical to Cast Council Votes Tomorrow

Letters to the EditorLetters

By John L. Heyl. I have hopes that the turnout for Tuesday's election in Culver City will better represent our community. Generations of men and women, like those who serve our country today, have given their best to provide us with the right to vote. Honor their service. Take part in the process.