By Alan Corlin. I have heard enough. Robert Zirgulis, you state in your latest blog posting that red light cameras “cause more accidents than they prevent.” What proof do you have – in Culver City — that your statement is true? Show us your data. Culver City data. Not from Chicago or some other city, Culver City.
Time to Give a Red Light to Those Vexing Red Light Cameras
By Robert Zirgulis. I can't believe that our City Council is considering renewing a three-year contract for the despicable, scandal- ridden red light camera company, Redflex! The people of Culver City hate those Big Brother prying red light cameras that cause more accidents than they prevent. In addition …
Parents and Schools Share Blame for Dumbed-Down Student Failures
By Michael Milligan. The steep decline of our education system is hardly caused by lack of money. We still spend far more per student than any other civilized country in the world. Yet a large majority of these foreigners outperform us in every major discipline. Our educators should be aware that we live in a global economy, yet this gap is widening. Not one study or statistic suggests …
Marshaling Reasons to Oppose Measure CC Next Month
By John Derevlany. There has been some recent discussion on this list about the school bond, Measure CC, that voters will decide about on June 3. Some of it was paraphrased from an info sheet I wrote against the proposed bond. If anyone is interested, that info sheet is now available here…
Weissman Encourages a ‘Yes’ Vote on Measure CC
By Andy Weissman. I am writing to urge everyone to join me in voting to support the School District’s Measure CC bond on the June 3 ballot. The bond issue will …
For Your Son
By Dr. Janet Hoult. Dear Linda Ferrara: Thank you for writing to Ari. The essay Ari wrote about your son Matt, and your note to Ari, touched my soul. My son, David, died in a motorcycle accident 15 years ago. Grandson Michael came home safely from Afghanistan and is still proudly serving his country in the Army. After David died, I …
A Time to be Strong
By Linda Ferrara. I feel I must have been meant to send that message Monday night. I have thought about it many times. I just never quite made it before I was distracted. My very best wishes to you and Diane. I can only imagine how difficult that diagnosis must be. I wish you both strength as you deal with each day one day at a time. Enjoy each moment as much as possible. I know that is …
Reviving Memories of ISPY Charter – Where Are They Now?
By Jessica Jacobs. I have thought of Culver City often over the last couple of years, and it is about time to let you know what we have been up to, personally and professionally. First off….John and I had another son, No. 3. That is a story in and of itself. We had an unassisted homebirth on a farm in Italy. Somehow, between police, trains and the embassy, 10 days later we ended up in a Croatian hospital. But in relation to ISPY…
Cultural Affairs Board Thanked for Ice Arena Research
[Editor’s Note: Leaders of the Culver Ice Foundation thank the Cultural Affairs Commission for last week’s unanimous vote in support of “significant” historic preservation status for the Culver City Ice Arena.] By Tai Babilonia and Bill White. Dear Marla Koosed, chair, and Cultural Affairs Commission members: We want to thank you for acknowledging our previous correspondence in support of the ARG historic evaluation of the ice rink.
Shame on You
By Judy Scott. It matters not at all to me whether we agree on policy, positions or personnel, I read your blog faithfully, every day. But in my opinion, you went way too far yesterday when you wrote …