Re Today’s The Lowdown
Last I knew Mehaul O’Leary was a City Council Member.
He has not even been Mayor yet, but in today's “The Lowdown,” the newspaper has declared him "King O’Leary".
Re Today’s The Lowdown
Last I knew Mehaul O’Leary was a City Council Member.
He has not even been Mayor yet, but in today's “The Lowdown,” the newspaper has declared him "King O’Leary".
Re ‘Stand up for the Safety of Our Children,’ July 1.
What is Damien Goodmon asking of us?
Is he trying to create a solution that is looking for a problem?
Re Editor’s Essay: ‘Why Some People Never Miss a Meeting and Others Never Find Time for a Meeting,’ June 25. Keyword: Gateway.
Q: Who and how many people show up at meetings for the Historical Society, the Friends of the Library, Friends of the Dog Park, the Exchange Club, CERT and most other Culver City organizations?
A: The same people all the time for as far back as anyone can remember. Some of them went on to become elected officials, or to serve on committees. Some of them didn't. All of them share common traits, and should be appreciated for their commitment to participation.
Once again at last week’s City Council meeting,a small, vocal group that rabidly promotes its agenda, foisted a program onto city residents.
If the city is going to go through with paying an animal control officer to canvas the community to license animals, I suggest that the city not discriminate between dog and other pet owners.
Re: ‘Corlin, Speaking Out Again, Refutes Critic on Animal Control,’ June 19.
I agree with former Mayor Alan Corlin that there should be a benchmark for all to hit in order to keep the new animal control officer.
Re: ‘Feh to an Animal Control Officer — It Was an Irresponsible Decision,’ June 17
While I respect Jeff Cooper and all of those who talk about the budget issues, I have to make a point.
Hiring a local animal control officer is not just about dead animals.
After last night’s decision by the City Council to initiate a pilot program for an animal control officer here in Culver City, I felt I needed to comment, particularly since my written comments during this action item were difficult for our City Clerk to decipher. (My atrocious penmanship is about as close as I got to becoming a physician.)
I have lived here for over 20 years. I have not seen a great number of stray dogs roaming our streets.
School enrollment: Show me the numbers.
Meaningful dialogue regarding School District student population has to move beyond mere personal preferences, memories, emotions and politics.
It has to be driven by what is best for the education of our children.
Assuming that everyone has this purpose in mind, a baseline of information must be established upon which all parties have knowledge.
While I’m sure my dad would love to take credit for animal control as his “pet project,” I think that the hundreds of volunteers of the Friends of the Culver City Animals and the thousands of residents who signed their petition, might take offense.
Alan Corlin has hated this project since it was first proposed. However, his logic (see today’s Editor’s Essay) makes absolutely no sense.
[Editor’s Note: School Board member Scott Zeidman issued the following letter to the community over the weekend.]
There will be a special meeting of the School Board on Thursday, June 26 at 6 p.m. at the Robert Frost Auditorium, and the subject is student permits.
• Inter-District Permits (increasing the number, decreasing the number, keeping the same number);
• Our schools’ overall respective populations (same, smaller, larger);