Vote for CC Because District’s Classrooms Are Sub-par

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Leslie Gardner. Please join me and thousands of parents and vote Yes on Measure CC, the Culver City Unified School District’s school bond measure on the June 3 ballot. The PTA is the largest child advocacy organization in the nation. All seven of our Culver City PTAs have endorsed Measure CC. They fully understand that …

Zirgulis Calls on the Police

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Robert Zirgulis. This is a copy of the Public Records Request I made regarding red light camera accidents. I made the request yesterday at 4:27 p.m. Officer Brown will probably be responsible for gathering the data.

Don’t Like Invocation? Okay, Try One of These

Letters to the EditorLetters

By George Morton. Since the City Council soon will be considering whether to superficially change the name of City Manager John Nachbar’s non-religious Invocation that opens every meeting, I thought it appropriate to spend far less than one minute and come up with some usable alternatives for Council members to ponder.

‘Yes’ on Measure CC – Only Because We Need It

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Jamie and Bob Wallace. When we moved to Culver City 20 years ago, we did not have kids. We chose Culver City, in part, because of the school system. Please vote Yes on Measure CC, the school bond issue, on the June 3 ballot. Over the last 10 years that our son has been a Culver City student, we have spent a lot of time at …

Red Light Cameras Save Accidents? Balderdash, Says Zirgulis

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Robert Zirgulis. In response to Alan Corlin's scolding of me, I wish he would get his facts straight. First, you got the quote wrong. I was just conveying and printing what an anonymous source said about the full accounting of the red light money collected during the eight years Mr. Corlin was in office — estimated at $10 million. Yes, it would be nice to know how …

Whoa, There: What Accidents Are Red Light Cameras ‘Saving’?

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Jim Walker. Your series about the Culver City red light cameras asks some very good questions. This is an email that went to city officials on May 17. Culver City should soon decide to end the use of red light cameras, for many different reasons.

Corlin Scolds Zirgulis for Lack of Evidence

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Alan Corlin. [Editor’s Note: The former City Councilman replies to former candidate Robert Zirgulis.] It is clear, Mr. Zirgulis, you do not have data on many statements you have made. If you did, you would not be trying to deflect my request for you to show us your “empirical data.”

They Are Quarreling Again Over Redflex

Letters to the EditorLetters

Editor’s Note: Former City Councilman Alan Corlin and former City Council candidate Robert Zirgulis continue their jousting over Redflex Traffic Systems, Inc., the provider of Culver City’s red light cameras.

Take Closer Look at Awarding of Contract to Redflex

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Robert Zirgulis. It is truly amazing that City Councilman Jeff Cooper and other Councilpersons don't seem to care that they awarded the red light camera contract to Redflex Traffic Systems, Inc., in the midst of scandalous corruption and bribery charges surrounding it. Mr. Cooper writes:

Shame on City Council for Hooking up with Redflex

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Robert Zirgulis. I am truly amazed at our City Council's vote last evening to award a three-year contract to have Redflex, a company with a scandalous bribery reputation, install insidious red light cameras in Culver City. The Council members just lapped up unsupported statistics that red light cameras prevent accidents.