A Factual Guide to Next Tuesday’s Measure CC Vote

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Paul Ehrlich. After reading several articles in the newspaper and talking with some community members, it is apparent that factual information on Measure CC needs to be re-told before next Tuesday’s election on the school bond.

As a Homeowner, I Consider ‘Yes’ on Measure CC an Investment

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Terry Robins. As a homeowner in Culver City for the last 14 years, I understand the importance of voting Yes and passing Measure CC next week. Measure CC is an absolute requirement to maintain the superior reputation of our School District, improve the …

Why My Daughter Will Return to Culver City

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Laura Stuart. I don't have a child in Culver City schools anymore. My daughter is an adult now. She is married with a good job. She and her husband hope to have a child of their own someday soon. When they do, they are planning on moving back to Culver City. Why? Because of …

Air Out of Laase’s Balloon? ‘Missing’ Statement Is There

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Arthur Day. I used to think George Laase’s yelling into the wind with his drumbeat against the School District’s Measure CC was a noble, if not lonely, position to stake out. However, I now feel the air is out of Mr. Laase’s balloon, and his goal is to be an …

He Scolds ‘No on CC’ Writer for ‘Inaccurate Assertions’

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Dan O'Brien. John Derevlany’s claims on school construction costs are way off. It is surprising he would make such inaccurate assertions, considering how easy it is to verify this information.

First, to address his claim that Santa Monica received a brand new Lincoln Middle School for only $16 million is debunked in …

Zirgulis Reaches Accord with Corlin – on Measure CC

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Robert Zirgulis. After disagreeing with him on the red light camera situation, there is one issue where Alan Corlin and I am in complete agreement. I support a Yes vote on Measure CC, the school bond, in the Tuesday, June 3 election.

Art Thou Ready for Work of Art by Fintan Magee?

Letters to the EditorLetters

Early Saturday morning, I will be picking up the internationally renowned street artist Fintan Magee from LAX, and taking him to Home Depot to for paint supplies so he may begin work on two murals in Culver City. The first will be on the corner of Lindblade and Sepulveda, facing Tanner's Coffee. The second will be on …

Why It Makes Sense to Support Measure CC

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Alan Corlin. How much is a good education worth? Imagine where you would be today if you could not read, balance a checkbook or even know if you have received the correct change at your favorite fast food joint. It is easy to say “thank you” to your teachers for being able to do all these basic things. It is not as easy to say “thank you” to those who paid for …

Tips for, Uh, Getting Even with Red Light Camera Tickets

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Jim Lissner. After reading your recent articles on the red light cameras controversy with Redflex Traffic Systems, I can see that you have done a lot of digging. Even more is going on, locally, nationally and internationally. First, however, I am hoping that you will write about the controversy of …