By Cary Anderson. Today is the big day in Culver City. Probably 20 percent of registered voters will decide on Measure CC. They will determine if they and the rest homeowners or rental landlords will be saddled with a quarter-billion dollar debt on $106 million in bonds. Years ago the threshold for voting was lowered to 55 percent of ballots need to pass a measure.
A Vigorous Yes on CC, Says Eyewitness to Disrepair
By Annette Morasch .I am a mother of a current first grader at Farragut Elementary. Recently I went on a tour of the Culver City High School and the Middle School with Asst. Supt. Mike Reynolds of the School District. The disrepair I witnessed was …
In Rebuttal: ‘A Thoughtful and Responsible Tentative Agreement’
By Dave LaRose. A Bit of Context for the Recent Unprecedented Tentative Two-Year Agreement Between CCUSD and Our Incredible Teachers: In spite of devastating cuts, CCUSD has been able …
New Teacher Contract: Why Would District Knowingly Deficit-Spend?
By Chip Netzel. Congratulations to the Culver City Federation of Teachers and CCUSD for reaching a two-year agreement. Over the years, I never have understood the need of the CCFT to publicize their internal correspondence. In this case, though, I am happy they did. What caught my attention was …
Measure CC Is Sound Financial Investment, He Says
By Michael Hamill. I am a financial professional with 30 years of experience as an investment banker, corporate turnaround specialist, chief financial officer and CPA. My work life consists of analyzing the wisdom of investments and resource allocation. Viewing it from my professional perspective, I can confidently state that …
UPCC: Here, in Detail, Is Why Measure CC Is a Prudent Fiscal Solution
By Jeannine Wisnosky Stehlin. United Parents of Culver City, the all-volunteer parent group dedicated to promoting the interests of students in the Culver City Unified School District, strongly urges you to vote Yes on Measure CC, the school bond, on Tuesday’s ballot. Culver City schools have …
Well, Council: Numbers Say Cameras Increase Wrecks at Intersections
By Robert Zirgulis. I still am waiting for “specific details” on information the City Council cited on May 12 as to why they approved red light cameras for safety reasons. I did a simple Google search on reports of red light camera safety statistics. Here is just one of many articles:
History’s Biggest Swindle Without Using a Gun – Measure CC
By John Aldaz. Measure CC advocates love to claim that Culver City schools are dilapidated. Apparently, nothing works. Ceilings are falling down. Everything is contaminated with asbestos. It rains in the classrooms. Seriously, Bonnie Wacker?
In a Gem of a City, Tuesday’s Measure CC Badly Needed
By Heidi Worthen Gamble. I am writing in support of Measure CC on Tuesday’s ballot. I am the mother of two children in Culver City schools, Linwood E. Howe Elementary and Culver City Middle School. A quality education is …
‘Our Students Need and Deserve a CC Victory’
By Deborah Weinrauch. On Tuesday, we all have the opportunity to make a positive difference in Culver City by voting Yes on Measure CC, the school facilities bond measure that will be on the ballot. Culver City will celebrate its centennial in 2017. From the beginning, our schools have been a selling point for potential new residents. Our schools are a major reason we are a well- known, envied city. However, today we are competing against …