Camarella and Karlo Carry Stains No Dry Cleaner Can Remove

Ari L. NoonanEditor's Essays

The City Council did not make bad choices last night — just wrong ones, quite wrong ones — for appointments to 2 city commissions, Civil Service, and Parks and Recreation.

The reason for their very personal gaffe is not a mystery, just an exasperation. The result of their tilted voting — the overt snubbing of the candidates Tom Camarella and Karlo Silbiger — was as predictable as the Gregorian calendar or, in my case, ex-wives.

Hospital Sound System: Calling the Rev. Doctor. He Is Wanted Urgently in Surgery

Ari L. NoonanEditor's Essays

The Rev. Jesse Jackson’s one-time-only offer last week to perform soprano surgery on Barack Obama, without billing him, still was being rejected as late as yesterday by Mr. Obama. Mr. Jackson, equally, was being rejected by the Obama camp. This makes two statements about the Democratic nominee: He does not change his mind on every subject, and he still yearns to sing bass in a church choir.

Oh, Princess, Where Were You? Why Did You Blow Off Last Night’s Meeting?

Ari L. NoonanEditor's Essays

We could start with the premise that Yvonne (Ms. Empty of 1960 or so) Brathwaite Burke is a sterling candidate for Most Overrated Politician in Los Angeles County. Mayor I Love Me is a serious enough challenger for her to feel his breath. But in honor of her 16 years’ too late retirement, let’s award her the crown of ignominy.

Does It Really Make a Difference, Spanish or English?

Ari L. NoonanEditor's Essays

Last week, the Los Angeles Times dispatched a sobbing girl reporter to sympathetically cover the pending deportation of a divorced, illegal Mexican immigrant father, thereby tragically and unfairly depriving a 10-year-old boy of a desperately needed parent.

This week, the Los Angeles Times dispatched a sobbing girl reporter to UCLA to present a sympathetic portrait of academic America’s hot new export, “undocumented graduates.” In the stirring locution of the Times, the occasion was described as “a ceremony for graduating UCLA students, both documented and undocumented.”

Saying Hello — and Goodbye to Adele and Henry

Ari L. NoonanEditor's Essays

The first time I met Adele and Henry Siegel was in their parlor a number of years ago on Christmas Day.

They were Jewish, and so was I. Therefore, I hoped we could proceed directly into our interview without any tinsel to slow us.

But first, I was struck by my surroundings on an overcast and chilly day. How dark the room seemed. My vision was fine, but didn’t they want illumination instead of heavy shadows?

So It’s a Hot Day. What’s Melting — Ice Cream or Obama’s ‘Beliefs’?

Ari L. NoonanEditor's Essays

Amazingly, and disappointingly, Barack Obama has publicly stated more positions on the war this week than a Tijuana prostitute assumes while entertaining an afternoon’s worth of clients.

His gushing views, seldom rigid, keep changing like the rushing waters of a creek: His clearly voiced opinions don’t stay within your sightlines long enough for you to judge, maturely, their nature and how closely they align with yours.