Democratic Process Takes a Beating in Council Chambers

Ari L. NoonanEditor's Essays

If your child is running with The Mob, mama, do not fret. Your worries have ended. At least you know where to find him every Monday night — in Council Chambers.

To the consternation of true democrats (lower-case “d”) and other reasonable people, mob rule has hijacked the City Council the last two Mondays.

Hearkening Back to Those 1950s’ Riots Over Gay Marriage

Ari L. NoonanEditor's Essays

After the recent massive electoral loss by the Republican Party, it is amusing to see a suddenly embattled battalion of apparent winners reeling because, in the midst of hoisting He Who Is Without Sin to his rightful throne, they lost an oh-by-the-way fight over Prop. 8 and traditional marriage.

Black Liberals Sure Know How to Confuse and Frustrate White Liberals

Ari L. NoonanEditor's Essays

Second of two parts
(See ‘Culver City’s Own First Dude Is Worth Hearing Out,’ Nov. 10. Keywords: Bilson Davis.]

At breakfast on Sunday morning, my oldest son, my wife and I re-opened the question of whether it was valid for me to go against my personal grain and vote “no” on Prop. 8, purely for the benefit of another son, who is gay. Polling the table as the final traces of a runny, possibly jaywalking, egg disappeared from Diane’s plate, the vote was 3 to 0 to endorse my awkward but heartfelt vote.

Culver City’s Own First Dude Is Worth Hearing Out

Ari L. NoonanEditor's Essays

He may cringe at the comparison, but Bilson Davis, engineer, onetime Culver City High School coach and lifetime black, reminds me of the First Dude of recent Republican fame — a temperamentally perfectly attuned husband to a power wife, in this case Saundra Davis of the School Board.

Anybody Interested in a Ridiculous Sideshow Should Drop by the Council on Monday Night

Ari L. NoonanEditor's Essays

Everyone within shouting distance of City Hall knows that Vice Mayor Gary Silbiger wants the city to hire an animal control officer as badly as he wants the city to certify a youth advisory commission.

The trouble is that for the term and a half that he has been an elected official, Mr. Silbiger seldom if ever has acknowledged that any program he wants — and just has to have or he will hold his breath and turn blue — must endure a process. My goodness, man, did you just float in from the moon? This is how governments operate in the post-Adam and Eve Era.

A Closer Inspection of Prof. Hate and the Video the Intimidated L.A. Times Is Afraid to Release

Ari L. NoonanEditor's Essays

I would like my fellow Jews — who, contrary to the co­mmonest sense at their cultural disposal, support Barack Obama — to digest the following and then justify their stance:

Isn’t it ironic that next Friday morning, three safe days after America may elect its own King Hussein I, the king’s newsmaking good pal, Prof. Rashid Khalidi, will be a principal speaker at academic anti-Semitic orgy on the Columbia University campus?