Stop the War. Stop the War. The Jews Are Ahead. Give the Other Side a Chance.

Ari L. NoonanEditor's Essays

If you step out your back door this afternoon, anywhere on the Westside, you will hear two desperate cries volleying through the chill air:

• There must be an immediate cessation of hostilities in Gaza, and Israel must agree to a cease-fire.

• Israel’s devastating strikes on densely populated Gaza are wildly “disproportionate.”

The Farmer from Wichita Did Not Have a Hard Call to Make After All

Ari L. NoonanEditor's Essays

Perusing this morning’s story in the Los Angeles Times about Israel’s devastating weekend airstrikes against the Arab terrorists who hold the Gaza Strip by the throat, I wondered how I would react to the conflict if I were a good Christian farmer from Wichita.

Being conscientious, I have been tracking the bitter winter weather and its effect on my livestock far more closely than I have been following the constant sparring in the remote, confusing Middle East. Nobody here in Kansas seems to know who is good and who is bad anyway.

Since it is very American to choose sides, even when you only are vaguely acquainted with the players, I, a fair-minded farmer, would be dead stumped.

The Main Difference Between the Outgoing City Manager and the New Guy or Lady

Ari L. NoonanEditor's Essays

Since the day he took office 5 1/2 years ago, I have defended nearly every burp by City Manager Jerry Fulwood as ardently as if we were related.

For two reasons:

For almost each one of the 275 weeks Mr. Fulwood has been in charge of City Hall, some red-faced yahoo on the City Council has gone after him with a rhetorical gun in one hand and a fork in the other.