Pedersen to His Cops: Find White Guys and Arrest ‘Em

Ari L. NoonanEditor's Essays

As we all learned during the era of Police Chief Ted Cooke, there is hardly any crime in Culver City.

On those widely spaced occasions when a Culver City bad boy does follow his nature and violate the law, it can lead us to a fascinating cultural conclusion.

Of Hannity and Silbiger. Now There is a Pair.

Ari L. NoonanEditor's Essays

Just as the global warming fanatics are stumped for a sensible rejoinder about the East Coast’s brrrrrr cold winter, what do you suppose our good liberal friends would say about the latest television ratings?

Sean Hannity’s new evening program on Fox News swamped the competition last night, drawing more viewers than the rest of his cable competition, Rachel Maddow and Larry King, combined.

The Mayor of Baltimore May Wind up, Sadly, with a New Address

Ari L. NoonanEditor's Essays

Democrats are falling faster than Gazans, only this afternoon it became a little more personal. As Molly used to say to say on the radio to Fibber, “T’ain’t funny, McGee.”

Sheila Dixon, the long-suspected Mayor of Baltimore, took a head-first elevator ride from the penthouse to the basement, and that is disappointing.

Councilman Katz Dies

Ari L. NoonanEditor's Essays

When I learned that long, long-running Santa Monica City Councilman Herb Katz died yesterday morning, my mind flashed to the numerous interview visits I made to the architectural firm he founded in 1965.

For two reasons, you should know about him, even in death:

• Next to God, Mr. Katz, 78 years old, was the best-known personality in Santa Monica.

• He endured more personal tragedies than anyone I have known or heard of.

Israeli Troops Employ a 4-Step Plan: Warn, Ready, Aim, Fire

Ari L. NoonanEditor's Essays

­The anti-Semites are correct. Israel fights wars differently than any country you ever have heard about, as we shall shortly see.

Storylines in America’s leading newspapers have not varied in their coverage of Israel-Gaza. Like a bad debt, steamy touchstone words — designed to woo new fans — are included in every story. “Densely populated” is a mandatory characterization of Gaza City and every other population patch in the Strip.

“Innocent civilians” are in the forefront of every casualty report, although generally ignored is the fact that Hamas uses “innocent civilians” as their personal pigeons, as human shields, as cover for their weapons depots in residential neighborhoods.

‘Palestine’ and ‘Innocent Civilians,’ Two Lies from the Middle East

Ari L. NoonanEditor's Essays

If you step out your back door this afternoon, anywhere on the Westside, you will hear two desperate cries volleying through the chill air:

• There must be an immediate cessation of hostilities in Gaza, and Israel must agree to a cease-fire.

• Israel’s devastating strikes on densely populated Gaza are wildly “disproportionate.”