It is driving the bereft left batty that Glenn Beck is staging a Restoring Honor rally on Saturday in the shadow of the White House, at the Lincoln Memorial, by golly gee whillikers on the same grass, on the same date that Dr. King gave his I Have a Dream speech.
Boys, You Have Been Had
My dear friends on the left have been so busy during the daylight hours chasing Sarah and Newt and Dick and Glenn back and forth across a high wire that they have failed to notice Swish Obama’s most under-rated talent:
Unlike President Washington, Swish Can Lie, but Can’t Escape
The carefully calculated amateurish rhetorical stunt that President Obama pulled over the weekend for the two hundredth time since he came to power — and we do mean power — is as tiresome as any child’s unfunny action that he insists on repeating.
A Reporter’s Trick for Hiding the Truth When His Boy Commits a Gaffe
Slanted reporting, an egregious and commonplace journalistic crime, annoys me as much as a hard fist to the stomach.
Why Pedersen May Be Holding the Upper Hand in The War
This is a story about two persons confronted by huge personal crises, and the difference in their approaches:
Meet West L.A. College’s Answer to Dec. 7
With not one drop of hyperbole, I suggest that the redoubtable Betsy Regalado hereafter be known as Ms. Dec. 7. Just as the anniversary of the Pearl Harbor bombing is known as a Day That Will Live in Infamy, so will the imaginative decision that made this mysterious woman the Acting President of West Los Angeles College for a few weeks this summer.
Let Us All Stand, Cheer and Hand Our Wallets, Intact, to the Unemployed
My close friend Barack Obama — we must be tight if he feels comfortable enough to reach into my pocket every week and remove my money that he smilingly redistributes to “working Democrat families” — cannot be accused of foregoing some campaign promises.
Sandy Banks Makes Another Bum Guess
If you can envision two aging, exceedingly unattractive, grossly overweight tattooed ladies, with butch haircuts, greasing their entire skin-flapping bodies and then engaging in a winner-takes-all two-day sumo wrestling match, you understand what it is like to read another puerile essay in the Los Angeles Times by Shallow Sandy (I Used to Hold up) Banks.
The Fastest Way to Get Your Name into the Newspaper
I was driving back to the office from an errand around noon today when a radio commentator announced that America’s Longest Running Unemployed Faux Celebrity, the very, very Rev. Jesse Jackson, compared LeBron James to a slave.
Job Advice for Chief Pedersen
Police Chief Don Pedersen was the subject at our spirited coed breakfast table discussion this morning.