An Unworthy Argument

Ari L. NoonanEditor's Essays

Kevin Roderick, formerly a politically correct left-wing reporter at the Los Angeles Titanic, now is a politically correct left-wing blogger at A Swish Obama acolyte, he could be mistaken for a White House flack because, like those boys, he sports thin skin and bunny ears.

Despite Titanic, the Bald Retread Burps Another Flat Tire

Ari L. NoonanEditor's Essays

Perhaps the most recognizable trait of the left is its rather earthy approach to criticism. They take a dab of dirt, a spot of water and rub them together until indistinguishable. Then, using their good hand, they smear all over the statement of a conservative.

Who Prevailed in the Debate?

Ari L. NoonanEditor's Essays

Your choice of the winner in last night’s Jerry Brown-Meg Whitman debate at U.C. Davis hinges, undramatically, on the candidate you are supporting.