The Dirty Downside of the Supposedly Fair Parcel Tax

Thomas D. EliasOP-ED

The unfairness of parcel taxes is obvious. With them, owners of every piece of property in a city or school district almost always pay an identical levy, no matter what their holdings are worth. A 700-square-foot one-bedroom house pays the same as a huge indoor mall. These have been the rage in recent years among…

Here Comes Obamacare – And There Go the Doctors. Help!

Thomas D. EliasOP-ED

Add between 1 million and 2 million persons to the patient load of California doctors. Do not open any new medical schools or import many foreign-trained doctors. It’s a sure-fire way to create a doctor shortage – and just where California is headed right now. That’s probably the most…

Is There a Link Between Fracking and Water Tunnels?

Thomas D. EliasOP-ED

By now, most Californians probably have heard that a huge geologic formation known as the Monterey Shale contains oil and natural gas in Saudi Arabian-style quantities, locked up in underground rocks lacing an area extending more than 100 miles along the west side of the San Joaquin Valley and beyond. Getting that oil out would require…

Could Gov. Brown Be a Latter-Day George Wallace?

Thomas D. EliasOP-ED

Imagine a troop of U.S. marshals trying to move aside the cadre of California Highway Patrol officers assigned to protect Gov. Brown and carry him off to a federal lockup. Picture those same marshals or companies of federalized National Guard troops confronting…

Unless GOP Makes a U-Turn on Immigration, They Can Forget the White House

Thomas D. EliasOP-ED

Maybe Dana Rohrabacher, the Republican congressman from Orange County best known for his surfing photo-ops, has wiped out once too often. Or maybe his ultra-safe political turf keeps him from seeing the reality that stares his party in the face when it comes to the issue of immigration. Whatever the reason, Rohrabacher demanded…

Why Non-Citizen Jurors Are a Rotten Idea

Thomas D. EliasOP-ED

The 6th Amendment says only that every American is entitled to an “impartial jury” and that its members should live in the state or district where the crime under consideration took place. Courts have interpreted this to mean jury pools should contain a cross section of the population of the area, in terms of gender, race and national origin…No one yet has specified that jurors must be U.S. citizens…

The So-Called Win That Was Filled Only with Hot Air

Thomas D. EliasOP-ED

Jim Costa had to wait more than a year for the rematch that ignited his political career. Letitia Perez only will have to wait two months.

A veteran Democratic moderate congressman from the Fresno-Madera area, Costa lost to Hanford Republican Phil Wyman in a special election in the 16th state Senate district in 1993, but came back a year later///

A Mountain of Pleasure While on Holiday

Thomas D. EliasOP-ED

Dateline Interlaken, Switzerland – Some things never change here in the Bernese Oberland of central Switzerland, where the combination of stunning mountain scenery, glacial lakes and easy accessibility is unparalleled. On a clear day – there are a surprising number – you still can look up from…