Amazon Prime, Primarily

Robert EbsenOP-ED

Ordering on Amazon, I would usually try to get free Super Saver shipping. Yes, it was free, but it took a week or more to arrive. It required a minimum purchase of about $25. I recently signed up for and got a free one-month trial of Amazon Prime. Yes, if I don’t cancel before the trial period ends, I will be billed $79 a year! I posted the cutoff date on my computer, and…

Google It NOW

Robert EbsenOP-ED

Googling solutions to problems has become quite commonplace. Almost every problem that arises around the house has motivated me to “Google It.” And, in something like 90% of the cases, Google has presented a solution. What is different about what happened this morning when I Googled a problem?


Robert EbsenOP-ED

For the first time this season, I wanted the heat on higher than 68 degrees. It grows darker earlier. I don’t feel like swimming in the late afternoon. And that is about the time when my small pool finally gets heated up by the solar panels on my roof. I am…

Searches That End with a Smile

Robert EbsenOP-ED

I get excited looking through Google Images. I can be looking for a general topic (e.g. a turtle), a specific picture (e.g., a small green turtle), or even pictures at random (e.g., “syg”).

What I Have Learned, Thank God

Robert EbsenOP-ED

My weekly Sunday morning class is called “Mishlei” in Hebrew, “Proverbs” in English. I find the class fascinating. The teacher is motivated, unusually intelligent, and speaks in an animated manner. I am amazed at how deep each weekly abstruse two-sentence proverb is, how the Torah commentators, from King Solomon in about 900 BCE to the 20th century, were able to…

Matte, Not Glossy

Robert EbsenOP-ED

Sarah, a family friend, enjoyed seeing my popup cards, but could not touch them. To her, touching a glossy card was tantamount to scratching on a chalkboard – eeek! I made popups on matte paper for Sarah and her family. Then a strange thing happened. I began to cringe slightly when I…

Root, Root, Root for the Canal

Robert EbsenOP-ED

Tomorrow at 9 a.m. I will have my first root canal. My dentist will perform the procedure by drilling into my tooth and removing the decayed material along with the nerve. He will fill in the empty root canal with an inert material, cover it up, and I will return for a crown. Thank God I will be given…

Duhs Nos. 42-45

Robert EbsenOP-ED

For years I have been trying to fit a 5½-inch x 8½-inch popup card into a 5¾ x 8¾-inch greeting card envelope. Quite tricky. I made the fit easier by chopping off about a 1/8-inch strip at the bottom of the card. Fast forward to yesterday. While looking for a new box of card envelopes at Office Depot, something caught my eye, a box of…