I recently met with a lady suffering severe pain. She could not sleep at night, walk long distances or lift anything over 5 pounds. Pain ruled her life. She was literally housebound. Every time she tried to leave, her severe pain forced her to turn around and return home.
If You Are Tired of Suffering from Fibromyalgia
In my continUING quest to find new clients, I recently called a Beverly Hills physician to see if he had an interest in the benefits of hypnotherapy for any of his patients. He said yes, and we set an appointment.
Try to Imagine a Life Without Change
We often become stale with the daily grind of our regular working lives, causing us to lose the competitive edge us to succeed in our chosen careers. This makes it important to take a break and go somewhere new.
A Story with a Painfully Happy Ending
While waiting for a client to arrive a few days ago, I decided, as I always do, to spend a moment thinking how I could help her.
How You Can Make Change Happen
I have been seeing a client the past two months for issues related to his back pain. After completing his third session and booking his fourth, he called to cancel. He appreciated my efforts to help him but his pain levels were not reducing.
Remembering My Father
Back in 1991 (way back, come to think of it), I was married to a hardcore drug addict and mother of my two children. I had undergone back surgery just six weeks earlier when I received a call, which required my immediate attention in London.
When You Are Addicted
It is not easy to determine what to write for any given article and often my mind struggles to find something that will hold a readers interest.
Look at the Dark Behavior She Learned in Only 14 Years
A neighbor called recently to ask if I could help with her 14-year-old daughter who was constantly picking her eyebrows and acting increasingly combative and defiant.
Emotionally Sexual Males Are Different from You and Me
A client with lower back pain recently was referred to me by a back surgeon. After undergoing three surgeries on his lower back, he still was experiencing pain.
If You Are Tired of Being Heavy, Here Is an Idea
A new client called to say she had seen me talk at the local Y and would like to see me to help her lose weight.