After Leahy Flap, Goodmon Seeks Records from Metro

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Damien Goodmon

Re “Scandal? MTA’s Leahy Slammed for Hiding a Crucial Crenshaw Subway Offer”

[Editor’s Note: Hours after learning that Metro evidently had an opportunity to satisfy both demands of the Crenshaw Subway Coalition, for a Leimert Park Village station and to build the long-sought 11-block subway through Park Mesa Heights, but only opted for one, Mr. Goodmon dispatched the following letter.]

(See pdf here.)

Dear L.A. County MTA CEO Art Leahy and MTA Records Management:

Attached is Crenshaw Subway Coalition's request for documents, records and information that relate to matters that are clearly in the public interest to disclose immediately given, among other reasons, today's two media articles regarding MTA's failure to provide at least one of the joint ventures to bid the Park Mesa Heights tunnel and Leimert Park Village station ( and and the MTA contract award decision, which you have stated is on pace for June MTA board meetings.

We know these documents are in your possession and expect that you and your staff will make the records requested available to the Crenshaw Subway Coalition in advance of any and all MTA Board meetings (including committee meetings) where award of the over $1 billion Crenshaw-LAX light rail line contract is discussed.

Your expedited response is greatly appreciated.

Mr. Goodmon, Executive Director, Crenshaw Subway Coalition, may be contacted at