Smiling for the Birdie, ‘I Was Right’ About Red Light Cameras

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Robert Zirgulis

Zirgulis was right about Red Flex and the red light cameras.
The Red Flex bribery scandal in Chicago confirms my suspicions that I smelled a dead rat when I complained about the City Council's support of the infernal red light camera program that Red Flex provides to Culver City.
Has there been a conflict of interest with Red Flex and former city employees?

I am not in a position to confirm rumors I have heard from a former police officer. 

However, I would like the media or the City Council to follow up, to ask the right questions to and find out what really is going on with Red Flex.

How did they get the contract to run the red light program?
I question any biased data implying that red light cameras have saved lives. On the contrary, I would suggest more accidents are caused by people rear-ending cars that stop prematurely to avoid going through a yellow light.
I think the city should scrap the unpopular red light photo program and should not renew its contract with Red Flex.
Mr. Zirgulis may be contacted at