For Today, Clarke Touts Talents of Paspalis, Silbiger, Levin

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Jim B. Clarke

I urge you to join me in voting today for the following three candidates for the Culver City School Board:

Kathy Paspalis,

Karlo Silbiger,

Dr. Steve Levin.

I place a lot of emphasis on experience.  There is a steep learning curve going into any new position, especially an elected board. I can say this from personal experience. 

Ms. Paspalis and Mr. Silbiger both are incumbents seeking re-election.  While they bring different qualities to the Board, they are dedicated individuals who take their responsibilities seriously as elected officials to oversee our schools and our kids' education.  They do their homework, understand the issues and ask thoughtful, probing questions of staff and their colleagues. 

Mr. Silbiger is a product of Culver City schools and our language immersion program.  He holds degrees in education and is the only current K-12 teacher serving on the Board. Ms. Paspalis is the parent of two kids in our Culver City schools. She adds a parent's perspective to the Board. A practicing attorney, she brings her critical analysis skills to bear in reviewing contracts.

While they disagreed over going forward on the school bond issue (I would have preferred to see it on the ballot today, but I also understand there were unresolved questions), all candidates agree for the need to have a bond measure. Hopefully,  we will see it in June.

The third position is open with the retirement of Prof. Patricia Siever.  (Thank you for your service, Pat.)  While there are several qualified candidates to choose from, my choice is Dr. Levin.  He is the parent of three kids in the Culver City schools. He is the president of the Farragut Elementary School Booster Club and was Farragut's Parent Volunteer of the Year for 2013.  So he has been intimately involved in our education programs and curriculum.  His day job is as an astrophysicist, a fancy way of saying he is a rocket scientist, a really smart guy.  His theme of “Sometimes it does take a rocket scientist,” is a reflection of the skills set that will make Dr. Levin a welcome addition to the School Board.

I hope you will join me in voting for Ms. Paspalis, Mr. Silbiger and Dr. Levin. Regardless of your choices, it is important that you do vote. Make your voice heard.

If you don't live in Culver City and cannot vote in today's election, I sent this to you because you know people who do live in Culver City.

Mr. Clarke, a member of the City Council, will file for re-election next month for a full four-year term. He may be contacted at