Pardon Me While I Yawn

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Vicki Daly Redholtz

Re “2 YouTubes on How to Make a Paspalis Sign Disappear”

With regard to election-sign stealing, I have been involved with campaigns for years, and it happens all the time.

I never have known a campaign or candidate to be behind it. I doubt it is any different now.

One year, in former City Councilman Alan Corlin's campaign, we were installing signs and looked behind us while teenagers pulled them up as they were put in.

Sadly, it is something that happens here. It is usually individuals who, for whatever reason, don't like signs, don’t like the person running, or have their own ideas of why they don't want them there.

To infer otherwise, in my opinion, is a mistake.

Ms. Daly Redholtz may be contacted at