Two Silbiger Pillars: He Has Integrity and Unfailingly Is Responsive

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Jane Niles

I support Karlo Silbiger’s re-election to the Culver City School Board next Tuesday. For me, not a single endorsement carries the weight of Mr. Silbiger's record of responsiveness and integrity as a member of Board. 

Not only does he listen and respond when confronted with difficult issues, he is the only candidate who has pro-actively reached out to parents, students, and the community in regular and special forums to determine our concerns. For the past four years, Mr. Silbiger’s Educational Advisory Committee has included students, teachers, parents, non-parents and business people who advise him on the issues facing the School District and the Board.

When Lin Howe Elementary parents were concerned several years ago about the possible elimination of a kindergarten class, he offered to meet with interested parents, to hear their concerns and frustrations. During my daughter’s high school years, concerns about arts and music education occasionally arose. Mr. Silbiger was always the first Board member who offered to meet with me and other concerned parents.

He takes time regularly to understand the details of a situation, to speak to people on all sides and to carefully consider all the information before forming an opinion. I appreciate that he makes educated decisions based on what he believes are in the best interests of the students, schools, and community.
Mr. Silbiger’s campaign materials note “He listens, then leads.” Indeed he does, with a measured, respectful and poised attitude.

I urge my fellow Culver City citizens to join me in voting to re-elect Mr. Silbiger one week from today.

Ms. Niles asked not to have her email included.