Silbiger’s Stance on Wages Wins a Vote for His Re-Election

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Gayle Haberman

I am voting for Karlo Silbiger for the School Board on Nov. 5  because he stands for decent wages for classroom aides, which resonates with my family history.

I grew up in Mar Vista where my two brothers and I were raised by a single mom. For 28 years, my mother worked as a front office secretary at a Los Angeles public middle school. At the time of her retirement nine years ago, she was earning $29,000 a year. Our family got by because of her union salary and health benefits.

I believe that all our classroom aides in Culver City schools deserve a decent salary and benefits so they make enough to meet their family's basic needs.

Culver City parents work hard to raise funds for classroom aides. I greatly appreciate their efforts and contribute to the aides' fund at my daughter's school, Linwood Howe, because I value the contributions the aides make to the students' education.

But there is a cost to every service, and that includes a decent wage and benefits.
Mr. Silbiger supports raising the pay of the classroom aides from $9 to $11 per hour, a worthwhile investment.

I believe our community should value the wellbeing of our classroom aides and their children as much as we value the wellbeing of the kids in our School District. My mom was fortunate to be part of a union that helped her secure a decent wage and health benefits. Our classroom aides deserve no less.

Mr. Silbiger has my vote.

Ms.  Haberman may be contacted at