Union’s UPCC Questions Called ‘a Slap on the Face’

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Jeannine Wisnosky Stehlin

Re “She Says Her Critic Is Munching on Sour Grapes”

I saw Crystal Alexander’s essay today that listed the questions the Teachers Union and the Assn. of Classified Employees asked the candidates for the School Board at their endorsement meeting.

It's appalling. I am happy that Ms. Alexander submitted it for the public to read.

I think that more people would be outraged if they saw that the leaders of the Teachers Union – leaders
of teachers that parent volunteers in our schools work with day in and day out – saw fit to attack a parents group via their endorsement questions.

Speaking as a 25-year union member, remember that United Parents of Culver City,  UPCC, is comprised of booster, PTA and other parent leaders and volunteers from all of the schools. This line of questioning is a slap on the face to them.

Additionally, I think that it's also a slap on the face of the teachers. There is certainly no animosity between teachers, staff and parent volunteers.

This line of questioning makes me wonder if the union leaders are out of touch with the people that they represent?

I read this in an online comment about question No. 8 in particular:

“Question number 8 reads like a McCarthy-era are you now or have you ever been?’ question.”  Sad to say, but I agree with that assessment.

Question No. 8, and questions Nos. 6 and 7, for that matter, are why parents and other community members are taking it upon themselves to write letters-to-the-editors, questioning the validity of the union's endorsement.

Ms. Stehlin, a parent and president of United Parents of Culver City, may be contacted at jwiz@earthlink.net