So Far Only Three People Favor a Church Traffic Study

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Les Greenberg

Re “I Sit Here Fatigued by the Church-Farragut Controversy”

A “freaking traffic study” will set the taxpayers of Culver City back much more than the measly $2 letter-writer George Morton wishes to contribute.

Why waste even his $2 when the traffic engineer repeatedly has rejected the Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church’s requests for such a study?

Further, the only way to do such a study is for the City Council to first arbitrarily and capriciously revoke the Farragut (Drive) Parking Restrictions, e.g., violation of the Regulations and Procedures for Residential Parking Districts.

The same City Council grandfathered the Farragut Parking Restrictions in November 2013. And Mr. Morton should think about the cost to Culver City’s taxpayers over any resulting litigation.

At this point, only Mr. Morton, Ken Smith and Andrew Weissman are enthusiastic about wasting taxpayer money.

Mr. Greenberg may be contacted at