Anti-Fracking Activists Are Primed for Tonight’s Council Meeting

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Michelle Weiner and Jane Brockman

[Editor’s Note: Even though the city’s special-plan-for-fracking item on this evening’s 7 o’clock City Council agenda is strictly preliminary, with no hard action expected, anti-fracking activists are preparing for battle anyway. The following letter went out over the weekend to a core of dedicated activists.]

Dear Sierra Club Fracking Committee Members,

Hope you can join us for a special meeting Sunday, June 22 @ 6:30 p.m., combined with the Culver City fractivists. 

Purpose is to plan a unified response to Culver City's plan for a new oil ordinance. The Council will meet on June 23, 7 p.m. Hope you plan to be there then.

The City Council is requested to consider the adoption of a Resolution of Intention to initiate a Specific Plan for the Culver City Portion of the Inglewood Oil Field during their Regular Meeting to be held on Monday, June 23, 2014:

Also we'd like to polish (a) resolution to present to the Council.

DATE: Sunday 6.22  Please RSVP to:
TIME: 6:30-8:30 p.m.

We'll have adult beverages and snacks.  Hope to see you soon.  Thanks!

Michelle Weiner and Jane Brockman