Collaboration Always the Key, Mielke Says of Bond Victory

Letters to the EditorLetters

[Editor’s Note: An update from the Teachers Union president to members.]


How much good news can you stand?

It's almost the end of the school year, we are voting on a tentative agreement that will provide significant increases over the next two years — and the community voted this week to approve our school improvement bond.

The bond campaign was yet another example of how working together brings results.

The Culver City Federation of Teachers worked with the School Board, with District administration, with our MACCS partners, with our brothers and sisters in the classified union, ACE, and with parents and community activists.

We are particularly thankful for the financial support provided by our state organization, the California Federation of Teachers.

The much-needed improvements to our schools will provide real benefits to our students.

It's more than just a District slogan to say that “Success for All, Takes Us All.”

Mr. Mielke, president of the Teachers Union, may be contacted at