‘Our Students Need and Deserve a CC Victory’

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Deborah Weinrauch

On Tuesday, we all have the opportunity to make a positive difference in Culver City by voting Yes on Measure CC, the school facilities bond measure that will be on the ballot. 

Culver City will celebrate its centennial in 2017.  From the beginning, our schools have been a selling point for potential new residents. Our schools are a major reason we are a well- known, envied city.  However, today we are competing against new communities such as Agoura, Valencia, Simi Valley and Canyon Country where the schools are new, modern, equipped for the 21st century. 

Don’t Culver City students deserve the same opportunities?  Shouldn’t our teachers and school staff have the opportunity to teach in a 21st century environment? 

A wise elderly businessman once told me:  “You won’t succeed if you sell yesterday’s shoes?”  He was right.  Our students need the chance to learn in upgraded schools so that the teachers can do their best work and the students can learn in an environment that equips them for college and the work place. 

Measure CC is about more than upgrading school electrical systems and modernizing science labs.  It’s also about public safety and public health. A modern school environment is student-friendly, makes studying easier, more productive and discourages crime. 

Inspired students are less likely to be truant and engage in petty theft, drugs, gang activity, human trafficking, vandalism and a laundry list of other crimes, reducing the likelihood that our youth will end up in juvenile court at taxpayer expense.

Current and former City Council members, School Board members, the Culver City Council of PTAs, the Culver City Chamber of Commerce, and numerous community activists and residents support Measure CC. Now we need your support.  Our future rests on the talents and educational opportunities for our children to become our future leaders. 

Please cast your Yes vote for Measure CC.

Ms. Weinrauch may be contacted at weinagua@msn.com