Time to Give a Red Light to Those Vexing Red Light Cameras

Letters to the EditorLetters

By Robert Zirgulis

I can't believe that our City Council is considering renewing a three-year contract for the despicable, scandal- ridden red light camera company, Redflex!

The people of Culver City hate those Big Brother prying red light cameras that cause more accidents than they prevent. In addition, the exorbitant $486 traffic fine that one gets when having a picture taken from the red light camera doesn't even go into the city treasury.  The city is actually paying Redflex to operate those insidious cameras.

If you don't believe me, look up Redflex in Google. Read about the bribery scandal they are involved with in Chicago.  One wonders whether former city employees have been getting any benefits or perks for helping Redflex cameras installed at our traffic intersections.

I urge people to come to the city council to demand that the contract with Redflex not be renewed. Also the Culver City Democratic Club previously passed a resolution against the red light cameras.

Mr. Zirgulis may be contacted at zirgulisr@yahoo.com