Teachers Invited Back to Bargaining Table – for Next Year

Letters to the EditorLetters

By David Mielke

[Editor’s Note: An update sent by the president to members of the Teachers Union.]

Friends —

As you know, earlier (November) we settled this year's negotiations with CCUSD.

We bargained:

*  A 2.5 percent salary increase.

* New longevity steps for Child Development and Adult School teachers.

* An additional $775 per year contribution from CCUSD to the cost of your healthcare premiums.

* An increase in the amount paid to teachers taking cash in lieu of health insurance.
* An increase to the extra-duty hourly rate.

* An increase to site grants for athletics and stipens.

* A $20,000 retirement incentive for teachers retiring this year.

The School District has approached us and invited us to get to the table now to start bargaining for next year.

We are happy to get to work now on next year's talks.  Attached you will find a copy of our opening bargaining proposal.

Questions can be directed to me or to any member of our team:  Casey Chabola, Natalie Gualtieri and Carmen Campos.


P.S.  A number of our sites are trying to tweak their schedules to carve out time for teacher collaboration and student intervention programs. We are monitoring those efforts to ensure that those new schedules do not result in an increase in your work day.

P.P.S  We are looking for a webmaster to redesign and maintain our web site. If you are interested in applying for this position (yes, there will be some pay), please let me know.

Mr. Mielke, longtime president of the Teachers Union, may be contacted at davidmielke@ccusd.org